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  Chris had planned to visit his friend once he finished his classes for the day. After knocking on Jonny's unlocked door, he opened it to see the other strumming his guitar lazily.

 With a raised eyebrow and a smile, Chris asked, "Oh, you play the guitar, Jonny?" 

 Just playing the guitar was an understatement of what the man could do with the instrument. Chris was soon to find that out. Chris didn't even ask if he could sit down when he snatched a chair. 

Almost everyone played guitar in college. It didn't seem unique to Chris until he discovered that Jonny played it. With a slow nod, he looked down at the instrument resting on his arm and then chuckled, "Yeah, I do." A smirk spread across the other's face, "then play." Instantly, Jonny's eyes drifted away as he said quietly, "No, I don't. No."

   Chris urged the other, "Come on! It can't be that bad." After some hesitation, Jonny began playing. It wasn't bad, in fact, it was the exact opposite, so Chris was pleasantly surprised. Chris watched Jonny's fingers move swiftly, it was quite impressive to him. Jonny looked up at the other with a slight frown.

   After asking Chris, "What do you think?" He scoffed and shook his head, "What do you mean? What do I think? That was good," he paused and emphasized, "like great." Shrugging, he said, "Thanks, it means a lot." 

  They had known each other for quite some time, but, he finally realized something that this may be the person to help him start his non-existent musical career. Chris tilted his head slightly, "Have you ever thought of, well, making music?"

   He shrugged again, "I enjoy the thought." Without skipping a beat, Chris almost instantly asked, "We should make music. Together." Jonny thought the idea could be a fun hobby, so he nodded.

   Jonny had only casually agreed because flat-out rejection wouldn't be very kind. After setting the instrument down next to him, he sighed and looked down at the watch that was only a few minutes ahead, "I should study or do something productive."

   Chris squinted at him, feeling skeptical, he said slowly, "You never say that" he paused and relaxed, "but, I should too." Chris stood up from a chair, "I'll get out of your hair, I want to hear you play that guitar again soon," he grinned, "very soon." 

  After cringing internally, he cursed to himself for being too polite to reject Chris' request but, he figured he had enough free time. Three hours hadn't even passed when Jonny had received an email from Chris. The message elaborated on Chris' music with the use of too many exclamation marks. 

   After listening to the attachments, Jonny was amused by the audio files of someone, presumably Chris, playing the piano while singing incoherent words. The two exchanged messages until they scheduled a time to meet. Jonny didn't want to back out as much as he had before. He found himself listening to the audio files occasionally throughout the day while Chris had tried to clean his dorm.

   The idea of forming a band had been on the back of Chris' mind for years. It was a dream that was slowly forming with the help of his guitarist friend. The next day, Jonny had dragged his guitar case and his bags to Chris' dorm. It was a long walk, on the other side of campus, opposite to where all his classes were. 

  He barely had enough energy to knock on the door. "Hi," he mumbled to Chris when he opened the door. After standing to the side to let Jonny in, he chuckled, "you look like you were run over by a bus." Jonny just shook his head, "Sure feels like it." He slumped onto the edge of Chris' bed with a yawn even though it was only four in the afternoon. The room was small, fitting two beds, a desk, and a keyboard.

    Chris grinned, "My dormmate shouldn't be back until late." Jonny nodded and asked to hear what Chris had to play. Their music tastes were quite similar and where it wasn't, they argued. Jonny laughed at Chris each time he got worked up off of something trivial.

   Chris had suggested recruiting more members would give them a fuller sound but, Jonny was hesitant. He listed every negative to the idea but, Chris didn't listen and the benefits outway the dangers. "Fine," Jonny said accepting defeat, "but, we have to be careful." Chris nodded, "Sure we do but, we also need a name."

    The guitarist just grinned, "We'll think about it once we get an actual band together." Chris just shrugged and turned on his keyboard. Most of their first practice was spent talking until Chris' roommate came in. He glared at them when they tried to continue playing so, Jonny took the cue that his welcome was over. 

  The guitarist got up and grabbed his bags, "I think I'll head out. I don't want to walk late at night." It was a lame excuse to leave but, Chris just nodded and gave him a goodbye. Their 'band' had only begun. 


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