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  Twenty four hours hadn't even passed when Jonny viewed an email from the library computer. The email was a sentence, asking to meet again and a bunch of attachments. Turns out, that they were songs Chris liked.

    He logged out of the computers and walked to his first class. A classmate elbowed him and noted how exhausted he appeared to be. Jonny just shook his head, "I stayed up a bit late, that's all." His friend grinned, "Hope you're ready for the quiz." Quiz? He had been too busy with Chris to remember the quiz was today, not next Tuesday. With wide eyes, he scoffed, "Guy, are you kidding me?" 

  The other just dug through his bag while saying, "I am not kidding, how busy could you even be?" Jonny sighed, "I got myself into some sort of," he whispered, "Band. It's dumb, I know." Guy was curious, Jonny didn't seem like the person who would do something like that, "How many people are in your 'band'?"

   Jonny tapped his pen on the desk as he spoke, "Two, two including myself." Guy chuckled, "Two people? That's not a band." Jonny shrugged, "Well, the other member kept talking about how he wanted to get more members." Guy elbowed him before saying, "I play the bass pretty well." Although he was skeptical of the idea of having a real band, he trusted Guy a fair amount. He had heard Guy play once or twice. 

  "Then get your stuff and meet me at five," Jonny couldn't help but grin. They only had a few minutes to choose a location to meet before their quiz. Even though he didn't study properly, he felt that he did quite well. With a smirk, after Jonny handed in his papers, Guy asked, "Did you fail?" Jonny shook his head and muttered, "Sod off." 

   Guy just chuckled and grabbed Jonny's shoulder, "See you soon?" Jonny just nodded and said, "Yeah, soon." The rest of the day was quite uneventful until he met Guy again in front of their dorm. Jonny laughed when he saw Guy struggling to carry his amp and bass so, he grabbed the amp from the other's arms. Guy thanked him before walking right behind him. He asked, "So, how much have you practiced with him?" 

   Jonny just chuckled, "Well, not much but, you'll meet Chris. He's, well, he's interesting." Interesting didn't mean anything negative to Jonny and Guy sensed this. Guy cursed silently as his case hit the wall every time he went up a few steps. Guy knocked on the door while Jonny held all of their things. Chris opened the door and looked over at Jonny, "You didn't tell me you were bringing company?"

   Jonny walked in and placed his things on Chris' bed before saying, "Well, you wanted a bassist, right? I got one here, he's good." Chris knew that Jonny was very critical, so, if he felt that something was good then it must be. Chris watched as Jonny helped Guy set up. The bassist looked through his case before pulling out a paper. Jonny stood back, glancing at Chris nervously before looking back at Guy as he played. 

   Jonny's description of Guy's ability to play the instrument didn't do him any justice. Chris hadn't even learned the man's name and yet he already wanted to recruit him. As soon as he finished, Chris stood up, "What's your name?" Jonny couldn't help but smile as Guy awkwardly introduced himself, "I'm Guy." Guy had held out his hand for a handshake but, Chris gave him a painfully long hug. "You're great, if you want to work with us, I would appreciate it."

   Guy responded with a smile, "I'd love to." Jonny commented, "If we practice in hear, we'll surely get complaints. Your roommate didn't seem too pleased." Chris frowned, "What do you propose?" Jonny shrugged, "My parents live two hours away, we could practice on the weekends. They wouldn't mind very much." 

   After Chris thought it through, he realized a critical issue, "How would we even get there? I don't have a car and you just have a bike." Guy cut in, "I have a car. We can split the gas bill." Jonny nodded, "Oh, right! You have that ancient clunker." 

  Guy furrowed his eyebrows and said, "It's not an ancient clunker, it's an antique."  Jonny chuckled, "Whatever you say." Their practice mostly consisted of Chris humming along to whatever he was playing on the piano while Guy and Jonny tried to come up with riffs.


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