5 years earlier.

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" Sophi! wake up breakfast is ready !" I can hear my mom calling me. Have you ever been woken up and you feel rested but you just don't want to open your eyes. Knowing the light would burn you. Well yes that is me and I didn't once think about yelling back to her singling I'm up. So that's where I stayed in my warm comfy bed. Thinking of what today would bring I could hear the floor creaking just slightly giving way for whoever is making there way here right now to my room stopping at the door and I already new who it could be.

The door opened but instead of more creaking I could hear the air moving and bamm! I can feel the weight of my mom belly flopping on to my back with a smack and 'puff' sound of my feather filled blanket loosing all that air. "Ugh mom!" she couldn't stop laughing so hysterically and the next thing we both knew that we are being doggy piled from my family. How ironic we are wolves, dog pile get it. Anyways besides my dry humor I had hands pushed down on my head suffocating me into the bed. Feet tangled in my hair and someone poking my butt.

"What the -?" I caught the smell before the noise. Me and mom were trapped in this pile while my dad and 3 brother let out there gas holding us down making us suffer.

Why must we have such strong smelling the quite ones are always the most deadly! Me and mom choking and gagging. Me pleading my brothers while mom pleading dad but I gave her a look and she knew what I was up to.

"OMG! I'm starting my period !!!" and that is what it took for all of them to leave like frighten cats. No boy can stand the thought of a girl and her period. Now I was laughing with mom crying of laughter.

Feeling the strange urge to say something to her I told my mom "I love you" and stopped laughing and just stared at her smiling while she looked surprised by my sudden outburst of affection. Me and my brothers don't like showing it and I really don't know why our parents are really affectionate with us showering us with I love you's and hugs. But I can see what it did to her I could see the tears forming in her eyes and said it back. We cuddled in my bed laughing about what had just happened and I complaining about getting pink eye.

Until everything changed and my life crumbled right before my eyes.

My mom shot up from my bed and couldn't stop crying hysterically and I was so alarmed I didn't know what was happening. I could see she was in pain really bad and then just stopped crying all together. She moved off the bed and looked at me and just left me there dumbfounded. What in the world is happening right now. I followed her down stars and I could smell the metallic, iron and knew immediately it was blood and it was a lot. Mom left like a bullet shifting still in the house destroying the door frame.

I however was more cautious and now thinking about it I was disgusted with myself I should have took off after my mom. I should have known what was happening an maybe I could have saved them.

I tipped toed to the living room and made my way to the window and sneaked a peek and saw bodies. Everywhere I saw bodies. Human and of my dad and brothers. Still in their wolf form, headless. When we die we shift to our wolves. And I saw mom guarding dads lifeless body while the hunters surrounded her with there guns ready. The last thing I saw was my mom fiercely growling protecting her mate. My dad. Showing her canines until they all pulled the trigger and the air she choked on being shot and she laid there right by her mate. That was when I decided to leave and fast. I couldn't die here with my family but I knew I wanted to but they wouldn't allow it they would want me to make it. So I took off going to my room slipped on my emergency back pack carrying a week of clothes shoes tooth brush and paste and money. Lots of it.

We are always prepared but now I guess it would only be me leaving and that's what killed me. We were a team. Our own little pack within our pack.

I made my way to my window and looked to see if there were any hunters outside. I knew they were outside until I heard there boots all rushing in my home. My wolf wanted to be let out and defend her territory but I couldn't let her kill us both. with everything I had I pushed myself out and landed as lightly as I could sprinting in the woods and leaving my home and family behind me forever.

I managed to make it to our neighboring pack the Blue Moon pack along with other survivors from my old pack. Word went around that they killed our Alpha and we knew all hope was lost in regaining our pack and territory.

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