“What the hell?!” asked Tris, as she gazed upon a huge red rock formation in the Grand Canyon ridge. “What, did you find a rock formation that looked like a face again?” Responded George, not paying attention to what his friend had said, he was distracted looking for any signs of valuable gems, rocks, or minerals. “NO! This one’s different; this one has a definitive shape, sharp defined edges, almost block-like.” Tris seethed at George with anger at his lack of concern. “Tris if this is a trick we really don’t have time for it.” George was getting tired of Tris slacking off all the time, but his curiosity beckoned him to take a look, se he went to see what Tris was talking about. “What the? Is this ruby? Why does it look broken, but accurately broken?” George was fascinated by what he believed was a gemstone, and a lot of it, he wanted to feel it, he felt the stone had a sort of presence he had never felt before. He rubbed his fingers against the rock, and as he did so the presence grew stronger, more familiar. “George stop! The rocks glowing, step back George!” Tris was afraid, the rock had begun to glow, she feared the worst, she tried dragging him away from it, but she was too weak, she shouted at his face, but George would not move, he felt attached to the stone, he was mesmerized.
Then, with the ground rumbling, the rocks surrounding the stone started to crumble, it was as if the stone was trying to free itself from the clutches of aging sediments building it into the Grand Canyon. Tris didn’t want to leave George, how would his Grandad look at her if she came home without him? He would be devastated, the only bit of family he had left, gone, and he would feel responsible for making him continue the family business. She couldn’t do that to Pop, she stayed by George’s side, even if they were to die, at least they’d die together. Then a rock hit her head and she fell.
What the hell’s going on? I can hear Tris, I can see the rocks falling, I can see the rocks falling, but the stone, it’s telling me to stay. But that’s crazy, a rock can’t talk, I didn’t take any pot before coming, and Tris can definitely also see what’s going on. Is this a dream? No, it’s too real, so then what the fucks going on?! George was panicking; he was scared, confused, and worried for Tris, that’s when the rock hit her. FUCK, as if it wasn’t bad enough already Tris might’ve died before I ever kissed her! “Stop worrying, she’ll be fine, it’s just a concussion.” Now I know I must’ve taken something, I’m starting to hear voices! “No, it’s me, what you’ve been calling a stone, I am Jason, and I have chosen you to use me in defending your planet from destruction.” What? “Just wait a moment while I free myself, here, I’ll put you and your girlfriend in my cockpit.” Again, WHAT?
The red glow emitting from Jason began to envelope Tris and George, and within seconds they disappeared. “Now I can use all my power without hesitation.” With a mighty quake Jason broke free from the ridge. He was one meter wide, 4 meters tall, and 4 meters long, a block, he had missing blocks in him, almost purposefully broken, out of one of the holes an engine like shape made him fly like a plane. He flew up into the air and once hundreds of thousands of feet above the ground he flew away at 400 mph.
The Mystic Box
AvventuraPower Rangers but with a big remix. I'll take all the criticism yall can give, it's my first book so I need to know what I need to fix and other stuff.