Two Days Earlier

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I sat in front of the desk in my room cluttered with papers, from homework to all the way across the spectrum with adoption papers. I just couldn't believe it, 17 years and my parents hadn't told me. Of all the secrets she had kept from me in my life, adoption isn't one of them that should have been kept. And to find out by simply stumbling across them in the garage pisses me off. It's like I wasn't even worth the effort to hide the papers. She didn't really care if I found out or not.

None the less, I should have realized without the papers I guess. I look nothing like my mother or my father had, err adopted mother and father. My mother has thin with blonde hair, she's very short I'd say no taller than 5'3". Her eyes were dule, a dark shade of brown with no sparkle. She was over all a very petite woman. My father on the other hand, from what I can remember, had brown hair, cut shorter in the back and longer in the front, so he could spike it, not that that would impact me any, this all was accompanied by deep brown eyes. He was around 5'9", with a slightly more muscular body build than the average man but not over the edge for his size.

While I on the other hand, had a mystical green shade of eyes, light in colour, but dark enough to give them depth. My hair was red, naturally red I mean. The bright orange colour shown slight auburn highlights in the correct lighting which was when my hair was at my favorite. My hair was long, resting about an inch above my bikini line, usually dead straight, but if I dried it correctly I'd get a slight wave. My slim face was riddled with freckles stretching from my left cheek bone, across my nose, ending on my right cheek. Slim and few dared to mar my forehead. I'm short compared to most my friends, reaching a maximum height of 5'6" on a good day, my height is attributed to my long legs, legs of a model I'm always told. My body had filled out, but was still on the smaller to average side, nothing to impress a gut with. I was tan, or maybe this is just my natural colour. During the summer I'll get extremely dark, but only lose a few shades in the winter. I'm proud of my skin colour, not many red heads have the ability to tan.

My hand shaking slightly I grabbed the signed and stamped adoption papers. "Brooklyn Samara Tate" I read my name aloud, over and over and over again. My eyes scanning the paper up and down, left and right. How could she not tell me. How could she leave me in the dark for so many years. Youd think she would slip up in one of her annual chew outs.

The sound of creaking from the stairs drew me out of my thoughts. My heart started to race because I knew what was next. Quickly opening my top right, white drawer, I threw the adoption papers and forms in and closed it quickly. If she knew I knew. Well it wouldn't matter, she would kill me. She would say I was snooping in her stuff. Three swift knocks on the door followed by my door flying open slamming into the blue wall behind it ended my privacy instantly.

"BROOKLYN TATE!" My mothers enraged voice rang clear throughout my spacious room. Her eyes red, inflamed, and puffy, scanned my room searching for her victim eventually resting on me sitting at my desk in the corner. Her hand still on the door nob tightened almost instantly. Her hands turning white from the pressure of her grip gave me no security. Her lips were pierced tightly together, and her nostrils flared slightly. This behavior reminded me of the angry bulls that were about to charge for their pray or whatever it was.

"What is this I hear about you skipping school?! I had spent thousands of dollars on you when you were young to go through that advanced intelligence crap! I oughta ask for a refund!" Now she was slowly walking towards me. Her steps silent and smooth but I knew better. It's been like this since the incident. If I didn't know better by now, I'd be just flat out stupid. So yes, I knew what was coming. And yes, I was just going to take it. "You're not worth shit, you skip school and when you do go you fail! You're not worth my. You're worthless scum. Why don't you just go die and do me a favor." She was standing right in front of me now. I was done showing fear to her. I looked her straight in the eyes as she stared at me. A slight laugh escaped my mothers mouth in amusement to my 'bravery'. As her hard fist made contact with my cheek my head swung to the left and my hand quickly held my right cheek, I applied slight pressure. Enough to ease the pain, but not enough to cause more.

My mother turned to swiftly walk away from me. When her hand made contact with the door nob she pivoted on her toes to look at me. "Why don't you make yourself useful one of these days. Stop burdening my life. When are you going to make something of yourself?" She turned and slammed the door shut causing everything hanging in my room to rattle against my already damaged walls from all the previous times. The stairs creaked once again giving me reassurance that she was gone. I hunched over relaxing my muscles, only letting a single tear escape my quickly swelling right eye. She wasn't worth anything more than that.. If that at all.

I turned to face my desk again and grabbed some homework off the top of my desk. I do try in school, I really do. I just simply cannot do well. It's hard and I'm incompetent. Letters shouldn't be in math, and why do sentences need to flow easily. When am I ever going to need to know the pathagorian theory or how to properly branch a sentence. My mother was right, she did waste a lot of money on me, but she deserved it. She deserves to have wasted all that money, because she's an assholes. Then again, maybe if she hadn't spent the money my mother wouldn't expect so much out of me. Maybe then I would be safe in my own home.

I stood up and half heartedly wabbled over to my bed. Grabbing my striped blue and black covers, I pulled them back revealing my silk pink polka dot sheets. I crawled into my bed and pulled the covers up over me. It was like a shield of protection from the outside world. Line a child's from the monsters under the bed. The warmth from my bed engulfed my body only slightly quicker than my sleep exhaustion engulfed my mind. Within minutes I'm lured into the bliss escape of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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