Chapter 17: Crazy in Love

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Eddie's POV

I try to call for Noah but Patrick pushes the knife in deeper until the handle part of the knife was on my skin. I looked over to Noah who on the ground, as I started processing the fact I've been stabbed and I see him look at me knowing something was wrong. He laid on the ground looking like he gave up and I saw Henry get close to him. I blink and when I open my eyes Henry is on the ground and Noah is over him with a big stick in his hand. I see him hit Henry over and over again with the stick. Patrick looks over and panics, he pulls the knife out from inside off me and I fall on the ground with blood gushing out of my side now. I see Patrick walking over to Noah who holds up his stick ready to hit him but I already know how this is going to end. I see Patrick run to Noah and try to stab him but instead Noah grabs his hands and tries to turn the knife on him. They keep fighting each other and pushing until their on the ground Patrick on top of Noah, blade pointing to Patrick but I see Noah start to lose his strength. I limp over with a rock in my hand and stand over Patrick and swing the rock as hard as I can hitting him on the back of the head and making him fall on Noah with the blade going through him and coming out the other side of Patrick's chest.

I see blood to start soak his clothes and Noah throws Patrick's dead body off of himself. I look at Noah and see Patrick's blood all over him. I feel myself start to get dizzy and panic.
"N-Noah, oh my god... I-I-"
"You fucking killed him!" Henry says while trying to get off the ground but instead he crawls to Patrick's body. "You fags fucking killed him!" he says with tears in his eyes.
"You're going to fucking pay you queers!" he says trying to get up but Noah kicks him right in his face knocking him over.
"No Henry, if you ever try to hurt us again we'll FUCKING KILL YOU TOO!" he screams into Henry's face.
Henry squirms away from him, terrified.
"GO! And if you tell the police we'll find you and kill you in your sleep with the same knife!"
Henry finally gets up and limps away into the woods and I hear a voice in opposite direction saying,
I turn over and see Richie staring down at Patrick's dead body.
"R-Richie!" I say crying with my hands over my stab wound and I try to limp closer to him but I'm too weak and I fall.
"Oh my god Eddie! Eddie no!" he says crying as he runs over to me. "Oh my god no! Bev! Help! Hurry! Please hurry!"
I feel him picking me up and he carries me to his car running.

"Noah get the door!"
I hear the car door opening and Richie carefully gets in the car with me in his hands. I hear footsteps and talking and then Bev's yell,
"Oh my god Eddie!"
I try to look up and see them but my cut stings when I lean up.
"Just stay down Eddie you're gonna be okay."
"Bill get in the car!" I hear Stan yelling from next to me.
"Where do we go Richie?" I hear Bev saying in the drivers seat.
"To the hospital."
"No!" I try to yell but it comes out as a cough.
"Eddie we have to!" Richie says with tears in his voice.
"No, they find out what happened to Patrick."
"Eddie please!"
"No!" I say groaning in pain. "My mom will find us."

There's a silence in the car til Bev says,
"It's your call Richie just chose quick."
He sighs and says,
"I don't know, just not the hospital."
"My mom is a doctor... she might know what to do."
"Yea... yeah! We'll go there then."
"Where do you live?"
"On Jackson Street."
"Okay." Bev says instantly speeding the car up.
I try to concentrate on everyone's voice but it gets too hard to breath.
"R-Richie. My inhaler."
He nods and reaches into my fanny pack with the inhaler in his hand and he pops off the cover.
"Ready?" he asks with a shaky voice.
I nod and take a deep breathe as he squeezes it releasing the medication.

"Let me call my mom so she can be ready." Noah says dialing the numbers on his phone.
We all listen as it rings and rings then she picks up.
"Ufufdimsheh" (A/N not really they just don't hear it)
"Yea I'm okay, but one of my friends isn't, he got hurt."
"No, he got stabbed."
"WHAT!!!!! whrdjdi"
"On hissss... likee... lower stomach?"
"Yea kinda."
Yea but you know what to do right?"
"He can't he ran away!"
"Ma... please"
"Okay were almost there."

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