{ Chapter Sixty-Three }

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The days go by quickly as Fell found himself texting some friends and Ink, to a sleepover at his place. And by his place he means Sci's place since his boss will surely end him if he brings more "weakling" to their place.

So here he was next to Sci, waiting for everyone else to arrive, Blue was of course at home with the excuse of being sick. Ink actually agreed to come to the sleepover, so far it's going to plan.

"Ugh when will they be here?"

"Fell be patience."

"I'm sorry but imagine Blue- that poor sick kid. Not knowing what happened to his lover." Fell spoke as Sci sigh.

"Fell, you're making it sound like some story."

"What if it was some story Sci? "

"...Well first off if it was some story, it'll be creepy because whoever is writing this is spying on us?"

"Orrrrr they are from the future-" Fell was cut off by the door opening.

"Hey Fell! Hello Sci!" Ink was the one who opened the door.

"Hello Ink." Fell greeted.

"So..is it just us in this sleepover?" Ink asked.

"No, we're waiting for five more people. Would've been six but sadly one of them became ill." Fell spoke as Ink nod.

"Ah okay. So, who's coming?"

"Well for starters you and Sci are two that I invited." Fell look at Sci who was putting away some stuff.

"I invited Dust, Outer, Killer, Classic, and Horror."

"Oh, wait who's the ill one?" Ink asked.

"Blue." Fell sigh, "I wanted to do this to cheer him up."

"Doesn't he have his lover?" Ink was still asking which was annoying Fell, but he kept his cool.

"No, apparently Error have stopped responding to him and actually to anyone really. This is breaking Blue's heart, maybe that's why he's ill? Who knows."


Error sigh, as he stare at the dark room. "When I leave here, Ink. I swear I'm going to fucking murder you."

He tried to unchain himself to no avail. Sighing once more he just put himself to think what his lover might be doing, with the small hope of his lover save him.


After a while everyone came to the sleepover, Classic was speaking with Sci while Dust was talking to Horror and Killer. Fell was talking to Outer but every once in a while Fell notice Sci looking at them and blushing.

Soon they all sat down in a circle as they decided to play truth or dare. "Truth or Dare Fell." Ink started the game.

"Truth, I'll start off easy."

"Do you have a crush?"

"Easy, Yes. Although that crush is taken and I shall accept what they chose." Fell look at Dust, "Dust, Truth or Dare."


"Wear a dress for the rest of the sleepover."

"YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Dust yelled as his face started to heat up in embarrassment.

"Yep. You were the one who chose Dare, you could've went easy like me =3"

Ink grabbed his paint brush, "Do I make the dress or..did you guys have some outfit prepared?"

"You make it Ink." Fell smile as Dust died in the inside. Oh wait they're skeletons.

-------Time Skip------

Everyone in the sleepover was asleep except for Fell and Sci. They exchange glances with each other before getting up and ready to go to Blue's place to meet up before going to Ink's.

Hopefully no one notice them.

They went to an empty room as they whisper to each other, "Ready Sci?"

"Yeah, are you?"


"Okay." Sci grabbed Fell's hand. Watching as the scene went black to white as in the snow of Snowdin. This told him Fell had teleported them to UnderSwap.

Fell's phone started to ring, what a time huh right? He let go of Sci's hand and answer the call.


"Fell you guys coming?" It was Blue who called him.

"Yeah. Is your brother up?"


"Okay, Sci and I will be there. See ya."

"See ya."

Fell hung up as he started walking towards the building, Sci following behind. Once there he knocked lightly and in an instant it opened. Showing Blue ready to go and sneak into Ink's place.

"Come in! Put your outfit and then we are off! Off to find my beloved Error!" Blue chirped/whispered.

Fell nods as he watch Blue move out of the way, walking in he notice his outfit was on the couch, even Sci's outfit.

Tonight will be the night, they will try and find Error.

To be continued...

Falling For A Berry (Error x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now