Chapter four, super compleing fight! (Julie)

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           Hello, I'm Julie Grace and you're watching a cartoon channel. Also I'm the one who lives, doesn't die, and is telling the story. So I'm not throwing away my shot here cuz I was born to make history my own J.G. Style because I am feeling over 9000 percent so let's go! PLUS ULTRA!

     So Peter was already up here, having a pleasant talk with Jay. By pleasant, I mean Peter and Jay were yelling. Peter is kinda my son, little brother, and best friend, so I'm obligated by law to stop this. Also Peter kind of gets flustered easily so now it's his pride on the line here too.
     "You guys," I say, glaring at Jay as I make my way to them, "what's going on?"
     "Peter ran into me." Jay yelled, trying to look intimidating. He was a small, scrawny kid. Although he wasn't Justin and my level he was still short. Either way, you look at it, he's not intimidating.
     "You randomly appeared." Peter shot back. "You didn't give me a chance to move!"
     "It's pretty entertaining. I'm not going to lie." Opollo said, laughing while watching over the two. I didn't even see them up here! Holy shit!
     "I can't believe how petty this is." I sigh. "Jay, why dont you just go and do something important? Like, go fight a cactus? That'll probably put up a good fight."
     Jay mumbled something and looked at Birch, who shook his head. I love being able to see the anger flow through Jay. It's like he's always on the verge of transforming into a Super Saiyan... more like a super tiny super loser. I make fun of him like I'm not 5'4"
     "I just needed to tell Peter that Connie doesn't want him hanging around Justin because he is a quote queer!" He yelled. "That's it."
     I looked at Justin, who's face covered with his hair so I couldn't see a reaction. His hair was a dark red though.
     "Let's go!" I said to Peter and Justin, dragging them out of the room.

     We walked away from the school and to a nearby park. I was paying close attention to Justin over this time. He looked like he was lost in thought. Honestly, it's nothing new to him. It's cool to be able to know him as two different people. One is this guy, the cute child that's oftentimes aloof and lost in thought, deep sarcasm and little care. Then we have the side of him in video. The arrogant Dieoginal. A side that's much more intense. He swore out Frenchy for even mention of the word Fag and is calm and collected under pressure of interviews, but rough and loud most of the time. I want to see him as a mix of the two. Anyway, I'm going to question him about things.
     "Justin!" I yell, putting my arm across his shoulder. I toss a penny at him. "Penny for your thought?"
     "Can you remind me why I'm here again?" He asked me.
     "You're here because Peter over there really wanted a puppy. He picked you out of the three others." I joked. It looked like Justin didn't find that to funny. "It was Dr. Montgomery's idea first. You're powers are super useful, Justin." He also didn't laugh at the pun. He's always like this. "Second opinion, the team. You're really helpful and powerful. You made your room by yourself. Plus part of the team really respects you."
     "You make a fair argument." Justin said. I known him for eight years and he's never really opened up to me. "Do I get a day of my week cut off if I act like I care?"
     "Ok you little shit!" I was temped to hit him but he's frail. "So, how's the channel?" I decided to ask. "I still think you should give me an endorsement. I need to promote my Tumblr account."
     Justin just shrugged me off and grinned. "You still want me to give a shout out the gay Tumblr famous teen then? I'll always refuse that."
     "You really wouldn't even consider it?" I asked. "I mean, you just fallowed a yaoi porn blog on it."
     "I never!" Justin grew red. "It must have been Frenchy! But I would never fallow a gay account like yours!" Did he just call my account gay? Did he just call my shit gay? The Dieoginal just called my account gay! "I don't need The Dieoginal being like 'yo, go check out this super gay account on a sight that Eland doesn't even have'."
     Did he refer to himself in the third person? "Don't try to advertise your Tumblr account on him, Julie!" Peter yelled from ahead of us. "Your account is just you complaining about me and talking about recent anime shit!" Peter jolted up to talk with us. "You talk like you're as popular as Dieoginal or The Masked Hero!"
     The Masked Hero is a vlog account that goes out to help people. The man that runs it doesn't has powers if his own though. Yet that doesn't stop him from saving a cat or supporting gay rights in a bigoted country.
     "I can dream!" I cried back at him. "I do dream!"
     "You know you could do something actually fun, right?" Peter said. "Just bragging isn't going to get Justin to talk. Besides, no one but you knows about that stupid site!" Says the guy who tired to discuss anime with him. "I mean, Tumblr. What even is that?"
     "He has a Tumblr account too though!" I said back. Getting betrayed by my bro is not something I thought would ever happen.
     Peter walked up to me and put his arm around my neck. "So, you into any kind of sports? You like any sport like anime?" Peter asked me.
     "I'm not into traditional sports." Justin responded. "I do competitive game playing though. I'm pretty good at Gun Game Generica and E.T.A."
     I'm just going to throw this out here. I'm not a first person shooter fan. I've played Overwatch and that's about it. Justin plays way too many games for me to keep up with so I just don't try.
     "You know I tried playing that E.T.A. game once?" I started. "I actually got killed by The Dieoginal!" I looked right at Justin. He knows what I'm talking about. The bitch killed me mercilessly at spawn and wouldn't let me join back. He said that this wasn't the game for me and to leave him alone. This was around the time he knew I had a crush on him too! He can be cruel!
     "You keep on being that up Julie! No one cares that you got killed by him. But in topic, do you like The Dieoginal Justin?" Peter asked,
     "I hate that dude." Justin spat out with the stupidest grin. "He's an arrogant prick and his friend Frenchy should just go die." He said while getting up that cocky ass grin I don't like. I hate this but he obviously doesn't want Peter go know about the Dieoginal secret. I should help him.
     "Hey, how how those animes?" I asked.
     Peter looked at Julie with a very disappointed frown. "So you want to talk about it now!" He yelled. "You fucking weeb!"
     "You know it!" I yelled back. "And you call me a weeaboo?"
     "Yeah, " Peter frowned at her, "You won't let me watch anime so I'm not a weeaboo!" Peter insisted.
     "Well yeah," He doesn't need to get worse than me. "I don't need you dyeing your hair some unnatural color and running like a maniac!"
     Peter pointed at his hair and began to run it through different colors. "I have one of those down." Peter muttered. "So, we never finished that Dieoginal talk. Why don't you like him?"
     "Hey look! It's a way to show my heroness!" Justin yelled and did the generic anime arms out behind your back run to a fight. Me and Peter followed closely behind him. Peter was a hawk and got the upper hand.

     "Do you have something to prove!" A large kid yelled as he held a smaller kid up against the wall.
     "N-no-no sir." I smaller kid whimpered as he cowered under the shadow of the bigger one.
     I knew both these kids sadly. They're both in my grade. The tubby kiddo was Devin, a kid that I had to show up a few times for making fun of my homosexual friends behind their back. One of them, of course, had to be Justin. He also tried to start stuff with me a few times and everyone else that he deemed as lessers. The small kid's name is William. I can't think of really anything that's too important about him. He's third smartest in the class, only under Ned and some other kid whose name doesn't matter here. Anyway Justin ran between them in what seemed like a desperate attempt to change the subject.
     "Oh shit!" Devin yelled in the most pathetic mockery of a gay man ever. "It's the homo in the flesh!" Justin stayed silent as he looked down to William. He nodded for him to run and he did. "What do you think you can possibly do?" Devin asked. "You're just a short shit faggot!"
     Justin was kinda outmatched here. Devin was huge and toward over Justin. He wasn't no Peter but he was jacked. Justin was hardly three feet. That didn't stop Justin as he looked up to the chubby tower of flesh and grinned a grin I've never seen from the kid. "Woah man, no need to bring up my hight! Queerly that's going too far." He said, a grin on his face as he held his hands over his heart while laughing at his own pun, an action that made me respect him even more. I mean he's gay but he's not exactly out yet. So he's really throwing everything out.
     "What?" Devin asked.
     "I'm queerly tiny. It seems unnecessary to bring it up." Justin said. "It's like you don't understand how damn gay I am dude."
     This isn't my normal Justin. He's never like this off camera, but this is the sass of The Dieoginal. This is his fake confidence he gets when he has to talk to people or present in class. He gets arrogant and kinda cocky. I won't lie when I say it's kinda cute.
    "Whats up with Justin?" Peter asked me. "I think I heard Opollo make that joke before."
     I punched him for the stupid question. "Well, he seems to be pulling shit out of his ass." I said in my matter of fact voice.
    "Do we butt in?" Peter asked. He looked kinda nervous as he watched Justin take on Devin by himself. Take on is pushing it even.
     I held my hand in front of him and watched Justin as Devin threw a punch. Justin ducked down before the punch made contact and shot back another insult.
     "Well wasn't that slow." Justin shot out. "Kinda like you in a way. Does it really take this long to understand how much better I am than you? Although I may just be some faggot condemned to hell. But still, Im kind of like a person" Justin said. He had the stupidest grin ever. But he seemed to know that. Like he was using it to piss off Devin even more.
     Devin threw another punch. Justin ducked again but didn't do anything. "I mean honestly, I'd like to see you come up with something original. You pulled the you're gay card on me so many times by now I can quote it." He said, grinning still.
     "Shut up fag!" Devin threw out as he managed to hit Justin, knocking him to the ground. Devin started to kick Justin as he insulted him with basic stupid slang. The other "fag slur" was thrown out as he kicked him in the gut.
     "I'm going to intervene!" Peter yelled as he went all quarterback on his ass and knocked him down. Devin quickly gave up, not able to move.
     I quickly run in to go see if Justin was ok. His eye was quickly swelling up, nothing Opollo cant fix but still.
     "Heh," Devin got out of Peter's grip, laughing like an idiot. "Can't even defend yourself, fag. You need a bunch of queers to help—" before he could finish Peter punched him out.

     We waited in the park for a few seconds for Opollo and Jay to arrive. Opollo healed Justin's eye and insisted that they stay with us. A note from the Doctor said that he didn't trust me and Peter's influence on his nephew and needed someone level headed to watch us. But Birch and Ned said no so he's sending Opollo with the instructions to make sure we don't do stupid shit. I'll say that again. He sent fucking Opollo to make sure we don't do stupid shit. Funny, right?
     "Why did you just do that?" Peter asked the now healed Justin. Justin held his side like it still hurt. One thing, Opollo isn't the best healer. They can fix up stuff like scrapes and small cuts. If they really try they can fix bigger things like a bone or a deep cut. But this was a quick fix, there are bound to be some leftovers.
     "I've been punched by that guy and it didn't really hurt me." I remarked. "Isn't he pretty weak?"
     Look, I'm just trying to lighten up the mood a bit. Devin's like some high school has been just waiting to happen. The only difference is that Devin has never and will never be a has to have been.
     "You have that amulet!" Peter said to me. "Your powers make it kinda hard to hurt you."
    "Fair point Peter. But this doesn't answer why the hell you did that!" I screamed at Justin. Justin looked bored again, his aloof self returned.
     "I changed the subject." Justin muttered. He looked down at the ground like he was embarrassed that he did that. "That dude pisses me off." He added, talking through his teeth. "I got into a fight with him before. I did that same thing and he kept missing. So he left me alone. But he's still a bitch." His hair was a deep blood red.
     "That wasn't our first time dealing with him too." Opollo said. "He always kinda shows up." Opollo specks with experience with that kid. We all can.
     Peter grinned and wrapped his arm around Justin in his no homo head lock. "I wish I could've seen that fight, it was way to shady for it though." He said. "Get it? You where throwing shade. It was a cookout with an entire roast. Because he got roasted."
     "Stop." Opollo groaned "You do know we're going to get into some serious trouble for this, right? I don't think the good Doctor M will be ok with that again."
     "Again?" Justin asked.
     "We always end up dealing with that guy and a few more of his cronies. It always ends the same way though. The one who had more then just words and a kinda good punch wins." Julie admitted.
     "Same reason too."  Peter chimed in. "It was right after Opollo joined our group, so about the time of your first mission then. Julie overheard this guy talking about you and she didn't take that. I'm pretty sure it was the possible gay thing again." Peter recalled. "Then he made fun of Annie for being a lesbian and Opollo for being Opollo. Julie didn't hold back."
     "Do I really act this gay?" Justin asked. "I mean, I would hope people could tell. But then where is my boyfriend?"
     Peter wasn't paying attention but Opollo just shook their head. They knew already but this was confirming his theory. Justin got up in a puff as Jay got off the phone. "I called Monty and Fred to have them come pick up Devin. They sounded pissed."
     "Why do they need him?" Justin asked.
     "Dr. Montgomery likes to handle the kids we fight by himself. I think he just wipes their mind or something. I never stay though it." Jay said as he stood around Devin.
     Justin shrugged and walked off with Peter. "We don't have time for this! I'm hungry so let's go!" I cheered.
    So we made our way to one of the worst places in town. The strip mall where people like to hang out after school was over. I don't get why they hang here but the people who run the place abuse it. All stores offer free wifi and there is even a quite study place in all the stores. I only go because I'm America, the hero, and and likes the burgers and large coke. Reference to anime, a funny one that no one seems to like? Get it... hahaha. That anime is trash...
     "American Burger is the one farthest to the left. Right next to New China Buffet and German 99." I introduced the place. I noticed a lot of people looking at us. Justin watched the people around him closely as he walked through, just waiting to attack another person.
     "You don't think William told people Judtin saved him? That would be cool?" Peter said.
     "We live in a small, stupid town. News spreads quick." Opollo said. "Although I'm ready to throw down with the next person that steps foot next to me!"
     As quickly as Opollo said that Peter stepped closer to them and Opollo flipped him. Before I knew it Peter was on the ground and Opollo stood triumphantly over him.
     "You've been warned you little shit!" Opollo yelled.
     "Dude!" Peter said as he jumped back up. "The hell!"
     Justin and I walked into the store and picked a seat. Peter and Opollo walked in later. Opollo had a black eye and Peter had a bruised cheek.
     "Well then, none of you guys used power, right?" I asked. I felt the need to check because it's them.
     "Someone had to brake them us up." Opollo said. "I think Peter was about to."
     Peter was red. A dark tomato red that was really noticeable. He really needed to wear more then just that white tee and shorts.
     "Well anyway!" Peter got up and slammed his fists on the table. "Food! I'm going to get Justin whatever he wants on the menu!" He said. "Come along!"
     Justin reluctantly stood up and walked away.
     "Wait!" Peter ran up to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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