Chapter two, gosh darn no homo hand touching! (Justin)

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So the next hour came and went. The help stayed in the band room and I go up to my study hall. I finally get myself settled when I magically get called down to the band room for "special lessons". If that doesn't sound fucking ominous I don't know what does! So I go down and stop myself at the doors of the band room.
This could potentially change everything about what I'm currently about, I remark before going in. So I begin contemplating my life like when I'm up at four A.M. and bored. It's not all that difficult. I joke about how I'm gay first a person second but that's not all too off. Perhaps this will change that.
By tomorrow you'll still be gay, have your computer, and be super clingy towards Barnard. If anything you'll be less socially awkward, Fredrick told me. Something about that made me less sure about this. Fredrick has a way of making me feel worse about the important things.
What if Julie coverts me to bisexual or something? She tired it before. I don't trust her! I complain. But like she did! She had a crush on me for the longest time and tried so hard for me. That's why I stopped hanging around her.
Justin! Fredrick snapped.
I went in. I went in and nervously looked around.
"Justin?" Peter, Birch, and Julie where all waiting on the other side. They looked impatient as they talked amongst each other.
"Justin!" Peter cheered.
"Wha!" I yelled back on instinct and fell. This isn't the first time I did that and won't be the last.
Peter grinned and walked up to me. "Well I hope you had a good trip to this room."
"Peter stop, he's only falling for you." Julie said as she walked up behind him. She offered me a hand and my suborn ass self-rocked myself up, with an actual brick. The school is mainly brick so it's easy to grab one from the wall ok? I've done it before and it is a great mode of transportation.
Julie awkwardly took her hand back as I leveled up by rock. "So you made it! I thought we were going to have to come get you." Peter said.
"Now that you're here though," Julie looked at Peter and grinned, "We'll have to let you in the base."
To clear this up. I've never actually seen the base. Anything I did with them started from this room or my house. Never the actual base. So they all know where I live. Julie made that known a few times. I can't believe her sometimes, just coming into my house and teaching me how to put on eyeliner.
"We'll have to go tell Dr. Montgomery about you first. Birch can take you down it the Basement." Julie grinned more deviously. I don't like that look.
Birch looked at me and sighed. I honestly felt kinda offended.
"This is stupid." He muttered. "Come with me." He was extremely disinterested in me and all of what I had to bring. Honestly, he's disappointing.
"Ok?" I quickly fallowed along as Birch led me to a small room. The room itself was barely big enough for a few trombones and some people. But somehow the room was cramped with a piano, six trombones, me and Birch, and a tuba. Birch walked up to the piano and played the opening cord to the song Take Me on by Ah-ha. The piano slowly receded into the wall.
"When it opens, jump." Birch said.
"Jump?" I yelled, a loud roaring motor blocked most of the sound as the floor started to open. Quickly I made a few of the lower level bricks on the walls move out to stand on.
"Just jump, Justin!" Birch said, keeping his deadpan everything.
"No!" I yelled at him. "I'm going to die!"
Right after the yell I could feel vines wrap around my legs, slowly moving up until they jolted down.
And with that Fredrick took control, swiftly taking out the vines with small blasts of fire.
"Check mate." Fredrick said with a level of fake confidence that he obtained from adrenaline. He made more bricks to catch himself in.
Birch sighed as the motor stopped. He was hung from the ceiling by a few vines. It looked like a thing you put babies in to keep them from moving around. The floor was completely gone, in it's place was a hole that went to I don't know. Maybe it was hell, that'll be my life for the next few weeks... If I'm lucky.
"Can you please just jump in?" Birch asked. "This is annoying."
"No." Fredrick kept hold of his stance on the bricks.
"You're making this so unnecessarily annoying." Birch said as he made a few vines grow out and start to push Fredrick off. Fredrick shot a brick at Birch's arm. As Birch let out a painful scream the vines finished pushing off that body of mine. We both fell.

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