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" we're all in this together "

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" we're all in this together "

"Wake up!!" I screamed, banging some pans together.

When Minho came down the stairs with messy hair and a glare on his face, I couldn't help but laugh.

I stopped laughing when he lunged at me, knocking me down on the ground. He punched my shoulder, making me groan in pain. He smirked at me which made me glare at him.

"You son of a–" I started but was cut off when Jorge came into the room, also glaring at me. I stood up with a sheepish smile on my face.

"What is with all that ruckus?" Jorge asked, glancing at Brenda who just made her way downstairs. She looked at me with crossed arms and a glare, I let out a small chuckle and started scratching the back of my neck.

"Well–" I started, I looked around the room, trying my best to not look at them. "I made breakfast and thought 'why not have some fun and be loud?' And that's exactly what I did. You gotta admit that it was very effective." I said but they all had unamused faces making me shrink back a little. All of a sudden, Minho bursted out laughing and started shaking his head.

"Wow, Thomas, your such a shank." He said, pushing past me and started making his way towards the food. I smiled at that, I at least had one of my best friends with me and on our way to find my other one. I couldn't be any happier.

"So, after we eat, we will be leaving." I told them, shoving a sausage into my mouth. I grabbed my phone, looking at the time to see it was 5:35, soon we will have to be leaving before my dad comes home. "We'll eat for a few more minutes. If your not finished, pack it and put it in your back pack. We gotta leave before my dad gets back." I told them with a mouth full of food.

"Jorge, Brenda, you two should go pack before we have to leave." Minho told them, looking at his last sausage with a pout. Jorge nodded, getting up from the table and started going upstairs with Brenda right behind him. I looked at Minho to find him looking at my pancake that I haven't eaten yet. I stared at him for a few seconds, we both lunged at it at the same time. He took half and I took the other half.

"You suck." I told him, sticking my tongue out at him which made him chuckle at me. "Come on, we should get ready to leave." I told him, running upstairs to take a quick 10 minute shower. After I got out, Minho jumped into the shower for a quick shower too.

"We're ready" Jorge and Brenda said in sync, coming down the stairs with a backpack on each of their backs. I smiled at them and nodded. I grabbed an extra water bottle, putting it in my backpack, walking towards the door.

Right when I opened the door, a few people who I thought I wouldn't see again for awhile, was standing in front of it. "What the shuck do you want now, Scott?" I asked with a groan.

"Stiles–" He started but I cut him off with a glare. "Thomas, whatever your name is, your not going anywhere." He told me which made me raise up an eyebrow at his demand.

"You can't tell me what to do." I spat at him with a ice cold glare which made the rest of the pack take a step back, even Scott looked surprised at how cold my glare was. "I don't care what you have to say." I told him, pushing past him with Minho, Jorge and Brenda right behind me. "I'm gonna find my best friend, i'm gonna find Minho's best friend, i'm gonna bring Newt home." I stated with a determined look.

"Sti–Thomas, you can't go." He told me with puppy eyes which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Why not?!" I asked him, raising my voice, nothing is going to stop me from bringing back Newt.

"Because, Because–" He trailed off, not knowing what to say. He then got a determined look which made me stand in front of my jeep with my arms crossed. Minho and the others right beside me, doing the same thing. "If your leaving, i'm coming with." He stated but when I was about to say something, he cut me off. "The pack can come if they want. But, if your leaving, to wherever your going, i'm coming with." He stated and I uncrossed my arms, looking at Minho for advice.

"If we come across any W.C.K.D members, we could use the strength and numbers." Minho told me and I nodded, thinking about it. "Remember how we barely got out last time?" He asked me and I nodded my head with a frown plastered on my face.

"We're coming too." The rest of the pack added with small smiles on their faces. "Wherever Scott goes, we go." Lydia added.

"If your coming, you should change into runnable clothes. We are going to be in the sun a lot, so where a lot of layers. Lydia, your going to have to wear running shoes, not high heels." I told her with a pointed look which made her sigh. "No fancy clothes either. Wear stretchy pants, no tight clothes. We'll be walking a lot, and most likely running." I told them and they all nodded. Scott grabbed a bag out of his car, which had plenty of clothes for them. They all went into the house and quickly changed into comfortable clothes, which I nodded in approval.

"But first, we need to know everything about what is going on." Scott stated, crossing his arms.

"Later, but not right now." I told him, giving Minho a look. Scott was about to say something but I quickly intervened. "My dad will be coming home soon and I don't want him to find out about this." I told them and then I remembered something. "Oh yeah, leave your phones behind, they won't work where we will be going." I told them and they obliged.

"Let's go get Newt." Minho said, patting my shoulder, getting into the passenger side of my jeep while Brenda and Jorge got in the back.

"Yeah, let's go bring Newt back." I said with a small smile, getting into the drivers side of my jeep, starting it up and backing out of the driveway. When I was out of the drive way, I saw Scott in his car with Isaac and Liam. I looked at Lydia's car to find her with Malia.

Driving down the road, Minho and I both had smiles on our faces, thinking about Newt.

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