Chapter 6

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I looked up in shock. 

That girl has the most in common with me? Of all the people in here? There must be some misunderstanding. No way could she be like me - I hadn't even known her for more than an hour. Unless.....

All across the auditorium, people began to talk at the same time. 

Asking for people's names, 

asking if somebody knew somebody, or 

if someone was willing to change their partner. 

Soon, the trickle of people leaving the chamber became a flood as people began spilling out into the courtyard to find their Amalgam. Others began rushing up to the woman on the stage to change their partners.

But I refused to complain – dad did tell me to get to know her better, so what could I say? Either I find a companion who can help me get stronger, or I get to begin our family's revenge. Win-win.

I turned to Diana, and caught her staring at me. She immediately looked away, and I raised an eyebrow. "If you don't want to be my partner, you heard what the lady said."

She shook her head and looked back at me, her silver eyes shining in the semidarkness of the dimly lit auditorium. "No, no. I'd....I'd like that. I just wasn't sure if you were okay" Diana gave me an embarrassed smile and stood up.

Even standing, she was quite a bit shorter than me. Of course, I was a guy and whatnot, but how much I had grown since my youth still surprised me. When I was younger, my father had always laughed at my short stature and had told me to get taller. That was part of the reason I had begun eating and working out a lot.

"I'm fine with it. You're still one of the only people here I've talked with, and I'm glad to have a friend here. Now, come on." I replied and, taking her hand, began pulling her out of the auditorium before the exits became completely blocked by people. "I'll see you around, Sherry! It was nice talking to you – hope you find your partner soon!"

She waved back at us as we left. I held onto Diana's hand tightly as we weaved through the horde of other students. " don't need to hold my hand...that's awkward!" She protested, tugging at my hand, and I turned.

"About what? That we're partners?" I winked at her and didn't let go. Diana's face turned a deep shade of red. "You've been acting.....well....a lot friendlier than when we first met."

"Maybe because I like you?"

She looked away quickly. "Victor, you weirdo." But I thought she didn't seem to mind too much.

Phase 1, complete.

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