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" why am I so scared of losing you when you're not even mine? "

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" why am I so scared of losing you when you're not even mine? "

I woke up with a start, my head hitting something hard, almost glass like. I groaned and turned, only hearing the splashing of water.

My eye lids flung open and looked around me to see water rising upwards where it was mid-shin. I looked up, seeing a glass window.

I jumped up to realize I was in a glass box, big enough to hold three people. I looked to my right, I saw both Minho and Teresa passed out in their own boxes, lined up against mine, making a line. I then started panicking, thinking about Newt. Ratman had promised to kill him.

I looked to my left to see him also passed out in his own box, his white shirt almost see through thanks to the water surrounding him.

As I heard a few gasps, I looked straight forward to see the others waking up from their spots against the wall. As they went to move, their hands were once again bounded by chains, but this time they were a lot thicker and looked to be made out of steel.

"Scott!" I yelled, banging on the glass that held me captive. He looked at me, his eyes widening in fear and shock.

"Tommy." I looked to my left to see Newt groggily looking up at me. "What–" he was cut off as the main door opened up and in came Rat-man with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Good. Everyone is finally waking up." I looked to my right as I heard groans.

"What the hell?" Came the voice of Minho who then saw Rat-man and stood up. He went to run forward when he ran straight into the glass. "Huh?"

"As you can probably already tell, you're all going to die. Well, drown to death." Rat-man grinned and then pulled out a remote, pressing the red button that was on it.

The water that was coming into our boxes started pouring in faster till the point it was at our waists. "You killed Ava, the love of my life." I grimaced at his words but banged against the glass box. "Now, i'll kill you. The least I could do was let you die by your friends' because i'm not that evil." He grinned, before he entwined his hands in front of him. "I'm so going to enjoy watching you and your friends die."

"I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled, banging on the glass, trying my best to not panic. Minho, Teresa and Newt all joined in, trying our best to get out of here before we drown. "And i'm gonna enjoy watching you take your last breath."

"Yeah, you've said that for awhile now, but you haven't lived up to your words." He grinned at me before he literally sat down in a seat and sighed, still grinning at me.

"Ugh." I groaned as the water got up to my neck. I turned my head to Newt was was already looking at me and I swam towards the glass that separated us from each other. I placed my hand against the glass and sent him a small smile, swimming upwards a little as the water went up to my nose. "Newt–" I was cut off as the water covered my mouth. I breathed in through my nose and ducked into the water, opening my eyes to look into the brown of Newt's. I placed my hand back onto the glass and so did Newt.

I tilted my head a little before I turned to Minho and smiled, letting the water in. As I closed my eyes, awaiting my death.

That was when a ringing noise reached my ear and I fell to the ground, air filling my lungs. I coughed and looked up seeing a couple people I never thought would find us here.

Derek, Parrish, Chris, and my dad.

I coughed up some water before someone patted my back. I looked up at the person to find Newt kneeling beside me, a concerned look on his face. "I'm okay," I coughed, standing up to face my dad who ran towards me but before he could reach me, Newt stood in front of me protectively. "It's okay Newt." I put my hand on his bicep and sent him a smile before I looked at my dad.

My dad gave me a small smile before pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, my god, Stiles." He cried and I awkwardly patted him on the back, looking over at his shoulder to see Minho helping and making sure that Allison was okay.

"I'm okay dad." I pulled back from my dad and sent him a lopsided grin.

"Dad?" I looked behind me to see Newt's confused face. "You have a dad?"

"We all have a dad, Newt." I grinned before he slapped me upside the head.  

"Bloody hell, Tommy. Shut up, you shank." My grin set into a full blown smile.

"You know me, I can't shut up." I went to wrap my arm around him when I was attacked my Scott who breathed in a breath of relief.

"I thought you were gonna die, Sti–Thomas." I pushed myself out of the hug.

"Thank you for your concern but I need to hug someone else." I grinned before I wrapped a soaking wet Newt in my arms.

"Damn it Tommy, stop being all mushy." The smile on his face told me that he loved being in my arms. I pulled back a little and looked into his eyes.

"I'm just glad that you're alive."

"Well, i'm glad that both of my best friends are alive." Minho slapped the both of our backs.

"We need to get out of here." I turned to face Chris who had tears running down his face, his arms wrapped around Allison who was also crying.

"Yeah, let's go," I called out, gaining the attention of the other gladers. "You heard me, let's get out of here." I looked down at the ground to see the dead body of Ratman. "Hey! Who killed Ratman!?"

"I had to, son." I looked up at my dad before I sighed.

"I was hoping to but it doesn't matter as long as he's gone." I turned to face Minho and Newt, wrapping my arms around their shoulders. "We're going home, boys.


Minho and Newt grinned at one of another.

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