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Shirayuki had just finished a long day's work, making medicine with special herbs and helping Ryuu pick some from the forests near the castle of Clarines, where Zen Wistaria was sword training with Mitsuhide and Kiki. Shirayuki and Zen hadn't spent much time with each other lately since Zen had to leave for three days to attend a royal meeting in a neighboring kingdom and Shirayuki had to go to Fort Laxdo with Obi to check on two soldiers who were injured by a tree falling on them during a patrol outside to the fort. It would be about four days until they could see each other again, so they decided to meet each other after coming back from their trips in the castle garden before going to the balcony of Zen's room, where they would have a picnic in total privacy. Shirayuki couldn't wait to see Zen as much as he couldn't wait to see her.

At the moment, Shirayuki started walking to the castle garden to meet up with Zen for their "date", when she saw something move out of the corner of her eye, a little girl with long blond hair in a white dress running behind a building as if she was trying to get away from someone or something, like she wasn't suppose to be here at all. Shirayuki runs to where she saw the girl run to, only to find no one there, not even a guard in the other direction running her way. She heads to the garden none the less to find Zen there waiting for her. She smiles at him, making him slightly blush with happiness. They leave the garden and walked to Zen's room, towards his balcony to find a blanket on the ground with a basket filled with sandwiches, drinks, fruits, and a little chocolate cake for them to share.

They ate their food while catching up on their lives like friends who hardly ever talked anymore. They loved being with each other, always wanting to do things and go on adventures together. Noticing that they were close to each other, Zen reached for Shirayuki's hand. When their hands touched, Shirayuki looks up at Zen with a light blush across her face, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Z-zen?", she said with a little stutter, noticing that they were only a few inches away from kissing. She doesn't back away from Zen, knowing he wouldn't do anything without her permission. Before he could come closer to her, they both notice that something was watching them from Zen's room, it looked to be a small figure.

It runs to a hiding place under Zen's bed, as if it was scared of them from being caught. Zen grabs his sword, bringing it close to his side with Shirayuki next to him. They move slowly to where the figure went, trying not to startle it. Zen grabs the sheets and slowly removes them from the bed, in order to get a better look at the being. Shirayuki looks under the bed to see the same little girl from early, except she was crying while holding her legs close to her chest. Zen looks too and puts his sword on the ground, sliding it away from him to show that he is not going to harm her. Shirayuki slowly reaches out a hand to the child with a smile on her face.

The girl looks at them with worried eyes, thinking that they were going to try and grab her so they could hurt her. She backs up a little trying to escape from the other side of the bed where nobody was when she sees the door opened showing Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi entering the room, wanting to take the opportunity to run out of the room. She dashes out the door, passing through the three without being grabbed. They all run after her, passing four guards who joined them in the chase.

They make it to the roof, leading to a ledge with nowhere else to go. She turns around, noticing that there are people behind her trying to get her. She comes close to the edge to where they stopped chasing her, trying to talk to her about moving away from the edge before she falls. Shirayuki steps forward slowly to not scare her more and says, "Hey, why don't you come over here and talk to us, maybe you can tell us who you are and if there's a way for us to help you. What do you say?"

She kneels down, spreading her arms out to say she is here to help. The little girl steps slowly towards Shirayuki with a worried and confused face, but stops remembering that there were other people there with weapons. She stops and takes two steps back, looking at the others in fear. Shirayuki noticed where she was looking and asked everyone to drop their weapons. After they all drop their weapons, the girl steps towards Shirayuki but watches the others to make sure that they don't come towards her.

Once she was about two feet away, she stops and looks into Shirayuki's eyes. Seeing Shirayuki's calm expression, the girl sits on the floor and crawls into her arms for a hug of happiness and safety. The girl snuggles her head into Shirayuki's chest, afraid of the others who were now looking at her with curiosity. The girl looks up to see Zen looking at her. She gets out of Shirayuki's arms and runs to Zen, hugging his right leg from behind trying to hide from the others.

Zen was shocked at first but got use to it by slightly turning around and bending down to hug the little girl who hugged back instantly. Zen looked at the girl's face, seeing she had beautiful cyan eyes, he picked her up and turn back around towards the others, holding onto her so she doesn't fall. Shirayuki walks over to them and looks at the girl with a smile. The girl gives a little smile to Shirayuki and Zen before her face goes back to a worried expression, looking at the others that were only a few feet away from them, causing the girl to tighten her grip on Zen, afraid to go near the others. They look at the girl in Zen's arms, wondering who she was and how she got into the castle in the first place. The girl shifts in Zen's arms, moving downwards towards the floor. Zen puts the girl down, watching her turn towards Shirayuki.

Shirayuki bends down, looking into the girl's eyes with a smile. "Would it be okay if you told us your name, please?" The girl looks down at the floor. "I'm sorry....but...I don't know. I can't remember anything. I don't even know where I am. Everything here is scary to me but not you too. To me, you both make me feel safe. I feel like I can trust you both.", she says as she looks up at Shirayuki with tears in her eyes. Shirayuki looks up at Zen with a sad expression on her face before turning back to the girl and giving her a hug which she wholeheartedly accepted. The girl quietly cries on Shirayuki's left shoulder as Shirayuki gently pats the girl's back as to say it's okay and that she was safe in her arms. Zen bends down as well and joins the hug, putting one arm around Shirayuki and the other around the girl. The girl looks up to see who it was, finding it to be Zen which made her smile. The others smile in awe as they look at the three hugging each other like a little family.

Everyone then decided to go back inside before dark. Each of them left the little group one by one, each saying their farewells before they went to their rooms, leaving Shirayuki, Zen, and the girl. She mostly held on to Shirayuki's hand afraid of the others, except Zen who was in the group. The only problem now was, where was she going to sleep? " How about you both sleep with me tonight? I don't mind at all.", Zen said, making Shirayuki slightly blush. They have never really slept in the same room, let alone the same bed together before. "Hey Zen. Why don't you take her to your room while I get something for her to eat? You're probably hungry, right?", Shirayuki says with a smile. They agree and go their separate ways for the time being.

On the way to his room, Zen noticed the girl was starting to yawn and her eyes started to shut, she must be tired from the day she's been through. He picks her up princess style, taking her to his room placing her gently onto his bed, pulling the covers over her so she won't get cold. When Shirayuki entered the room with some bread and milk, she saw a sleeping girl with Zen beside her, looking at the girl in his bed.

Shirayuki walked up to Zen quietly as to not wake the girl. She sits down next to Zen by the bed, watching the girl as she slept, snuggling the blankets. Shirayuki looks towards Zen who was starring at her with a smile. Zen looks into Shirayuki's eyes, hoping that she would say something. "Zen, I want to help this girl. She doesn't know where she is or even who she is. She must feel lost and the way she reacted to us before. If I were in her situation, I'd be scared too. She probably has no one to turn to or even know who to trust. Wait, look at her back.", Shirayuki says in a whisper, slowly pulling the girl's dress down from the left shoulder strap a little to where they could see marks of pain and suffering from some force. But what shocked them the most was the thing they first saw on girl's left shoulder, a few numbers burned into her skin, "43-659-01", it said. Zen looked at the numbers a bit more before hearing a sound coming from beside him. He looks towards Shirayuki seeing tears running down her face. "Oh.. my.. gosh", was all Shirayuki could slightly say before Zen quickly pulling Shirayuki into a hug, asking what was wrong and what those numbers meant.

(A/n: But that my friends is another chapter to be told. I hope you enjoyed it and have a Good morning/day/afternoon/night!

 Word count: 1765

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