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~~ Previously on the Mysterious Child ~~

She smiled down at him as he looked up at her. Shirayuki walked over to them joining Zen by his side as they all looked out on the kingdom below. A light gust of wind comes their way, blowing their hair around and in their faces. Shirayuki looks up at the little girl on Zen's shoulders as the wind begins to cease. "Hey Zen?", Shirayuki whispers into Zen's ear. Zen hums in response. "We should ask her if she remembers anything." Zen nods in agreement as he starts to head back inside with the girl on his shoulders and Shirayuki coming in as well. After closing the doors to the balcony, Zen places the girl back on the floor. She turns around to face them with a look of confusion. Both Shirayuki and Zen bend down on one knee to come face to face with the little girl. "Hey, do you remember what your name is?", Zen asked. "I think... I do... its... my name is... Emahi."


Shirayuki and Zen smiled happily, knowing that she had remembered something of her past. "Well, its good to know that you are starting to remember a few things. We may be able to gather more information as your memories start to come back to you.", Shirayuki said, giving a slight sigh over the fact that Emahi had not yet remembered anything about the rest of her past, being that she was a slave to the King of Denix.

Emahi looked at Zen, then to Shirayuki and then back to Zen. "What are your names? I keep hearing people call you different names all around this place since I got here." Shirayuki turns to Zen at the same time he turns to her with a look of 'I-can't-believe-we-forgot-tell-her' on their faces. they both turn back to Emahi, confused about what to say until Zen speaks up.

"What would you like to call us? I think it would be easier for you to call us something you can remember." Emahi thinks for a little bit before smiling and saying, "Can I call you mommy and daddy?", pointing at Shirayuki first then Zen. Shirayuki and Zen both blushed dark red, darker than Shirayuki's hair. Emahi then realized what she had said and starts to blush the same dark red as them. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. It was just the first thing that popped into my head.", Emahi said, flushed on what she had called Shirayuki and Zen. Shirayuki smiles at Emahi, her face returning to her natural skin color but with a tiny remnant of blush still left in her cheeks, reaching her right hand out and patting Emahi's long blond hair. Emahi looks up at Shirayuki and Zen with a light blush across her cheeks and a joyful smile on her face.

After the embarrassing moment, they all calmed down and went back inside Zen's room. Upon entering the room and closing the balcony windows, a knock on Zen's door catches their attention. Emahi quickly runs behind Shirayuki, afraid of who was at the door. Zen says 'Come in' and Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Obi walk in. After they said their greetings to Zen, they all turn to Shirayuki and notice Emahi behind Shirayuki's legs. "Hey, you're the little girl from yesterday we were chasing!", Obi shouts while pointing at Emahi who was slightly shaking behind Shirayuki. Kiki then slaps Obi behind his head, making a loud sound go throughout the room. Obi rubs the spot where Kiki slapped him.

"Miss Kiki, what was that for?", he asked facing her. "First of all, it's very rude to point at someone, especially at a girl and second, she is scared by how she acting towards us right now, so calm down.", Kiki said, ending with a serious face that could make you scared to the bone. Obi backs away from Kiki with a worried smirk on his face. After the issue was resolved, Mitsuhide steps forward towards Shirayuki, bending down to be at the same level as Emahi. "Hello there. My name is Mitsuhide. What's your name?", he said with a smile in a calm voice. Emahi peeks out a little and says in a quiet voice, "My name is Emahi. It's nice to meet you, Mitsuhide." Mitsuhide's smile widened as Emahi steps out from behind Shirayuki and moves in front of Shirayuki, standing only a few inches from him. What she said next, surprised everyone. "Can I maybe call you Uncle Mitsu instead?"

Everyone seemed shocked by Emahi's question towards Mitsuhide, causing Obi to start snickering, trying not to make the situation more awkward than it already was. However, Zen and Shirayuki weren't too fazed about the matter, being they experienced the same thing not too long ago. Mitsuhide, being the victim of the situation, was shocked for a bit before smiling and saying, "I don't mind, as long as I can call you my little Ahi." Emahi giggled at his response to her question but nodded none the less.

Emahi felt happy at that moment, having people who cared about her. She turned to Kiki and walks up to her with a curious face. Kiki noticed her and bends down to her level. Kiki smiles at Emahi, seeing as she was started to slowly warm up to everyone around her. "Can I call you Auntie Kiki?", Emahi says with a little giggle. Kiki nodded with a smile still on her face. Emahi then turns to Obi, seeing as he was the last person left to talk to. Obi squats down with his arms between his legs like a frog.

Emahi giggles at his movements, but none the less slowly walked over to him. Once Emahi was in front of Obi, she says, "What's your name?". Obi looks around the room before looking back at Emahi with a smile while giving a thumbs up and pointing his thumb to himself saying, "How's about you call me your Uncle Obi?" Emahi tilts her head to the side in curiosity before walking in a circle around Obi slowly while the others in the room watch to see what she was going to do. After one full circle around Obi, Emahi stops in front of him and says in a short answer, "I'm gonna call you Weird Uncle Obi."

Obi looks at Emahi in confusion saying, "How exactly an I weird?" Emahi giggles before saying, "Because of the way you act towards the others in the room and your body movement, especially how you are sitting right now." Obi turns to the others upon hearing a noise coming from beside him to see that his master Zen and comrade Mitsuhide were quietly snickering while Shirayuki and Kiki were smiling. Obi turns back to Emahi and smiles, lifting his right arm and placing his hand on top of her head, ruffling her hair a little before bringing his hand down back at his side.

After Emahi finished talking to Obi, she runs over to Shirayuki and Zen as Obi stands up. Emahi looks up at Shirayuki and Zen. "So what are we going to do now mommy and daddy?"

(A/N: Until the next chapter everyone, Good morning/day/afternoon/night.)

Word count: 1213

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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