A Dream Come True

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                                                                         Sophie's 19th birthday

                                                                                Sophie's POV

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE!" I hear as I go downstairs for breakfast.

"Oh wow" I say as I see Biana, Fitz, Tam, Lihn, Dex, Marella, and Keefe standing in the kitchen around a huge cake and at least 50 balloons.

"Happy birthday" Keefe says coming and giving me a hug and a kiss on the head. It's crazy how much our relationship has grown within the last year. 

"I have the best friends ever. Thank you guys so much. Wait. How did you guys know it was my birthday and why are we celebrating?"

"Well Keefe remembered that it was your birthday" Biana says

"And we thought that we should make you feel like your home and why not" Lihn says with a big smile on her face.

"Well thank you Keefe for remembering" I say kissing his cheek, "And thank you guys for doing all of this. I have the best friends in the world." I say smiling not having a care in the world. Keefe on the other hand looked VERY nervous. Why is he nervous?

"Keefe what's wrong?" I ask.

"Me?" He says laughing nervously. "What would be wrong with me?" He asks smirking. 

"I don't know, but you just looked nervous"

"Nothing is happening. Why would I be nervous anyway?"

"I don't know?"

"Anyway i need to talk to you." Keefe says.

"Okay want to go upstairs?"

"Yeah upstairs sounds good."

"We'll be right back" I tell everyone else. Why do they all look so happy? Even Tam is smiling. What am I missing?

"Do you want to go on a date tonight? For your birthday?"

"Yeah definitely." 

"Okay and I already told the Council about it cause we're going to the Forbidden Cities."

"Wait why the Council? Why didn't you tell Mr. Forkle?" 

"I mean if we're trying to improve our relationship with the Council then we need to tell them this stuff. Right?"

"I guess?" I say confused.

"Wear something not too formal. I'll pick you up at 6. See you! Bye!" He says.

"Bye" I say but he's already gone.

"That was weird" I mumble to myself. I run down the stairs thankfully without tripping and meet everyone who is excitedly talking.

"Where did Keefe go?" Fitz asks.

"I don't know? Something weird is up with him."

"I'm sure it's nothing." Biana says holding Tam's hand. Over the last year everyone else has also started there dating stories.

Biana is now with Tam, Fitz is now with Lihn, and Dex is with Marella. It's honestly exciting to see how everyone's relationships start.

"Okay if you say so" I say unsure.

"Okay so what do you want to do. Your the birthday girl" Fitz says  

"What do you guys want to do?" I ask.

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