Chap 2

556 47 21

Namjoon's Pov

I let myself into my house and immediately went up to my room. I shouted an 'I'm home' to my parents, and pulled out my laptop. I sat at my desk, placed my laptop on top of it, and logged in. My brother was playing the guitar next door to my room. And it was not gentle acoustic. It was painfully bad heavy metal on a state of the arts electric guitar. Sure, Taehyung was good at singing and playing the guitar, he just never really put it to use.

I knocked on the wall separating our rooms in a warning way. He knocked back, a lot harder, telling me he wasn't going to shut up.

"Taehyung! Shut up!" I shouted.

"No! Namjoon, you shut up!" he shouted back. 

He was extremely immature. Our personalities were complete opposites though. Well, actually, we were alike that way too, but I convinced myself that we had some differences. 

I tutted and opened up some tabs, just browsing the internet. About half an hour into my boringness of nothing, something caught my eye out of the window.   

Jungkook was leaving his 'house', carrying something green. It looked like an apron, but I didn't know. He was also carrying a guitar case, obviously with a guitar in it. I didn't know he played...

"Namjoon! Come downstairs!" my mum shouted up the stairs.

I quickly locked my laptop, knowing that Taehyung would try and hack into it. Almost tripping, I managed to get into the kitchen.

"Can you go to Starbucks and get these," she handed me a yellow sticky note, some orders jotted down.

"Who are they for?" I asked, seeing that the note had seven orders written down.

"I've got some friends coming over later, there's one for Taehyung, and you can get something if you want," she handed me money, which I shoved into my pocket.

"Okay," I went back up to my room.

I had already changed into a pair of black shorts and a white and pink stripy t-shirt, then grabbing the first jacket I saw just in case it was cold. I put on a pair of black converse and left the house.

As soon as I stepped outside, I instantly put the jacket on, due to the frosty air. I double checked the money was in my pocket, and closed the front garden gate behind me, shoving my hands in my pockets.

I pondered over how I was going to manage to carry eight cups of coffee back, but I could probably use those cardboard trays, one for each hand.

The warmth of Starbucks made me shiver. The walk wasn't too long, only ten minutes or so, but I was numb against that weather. The bitter smell of coffee made me wrinkle my nose, but I loved the taste of it. The smell gave me headaches if I stayed for too long, however, I'd just put up with it.

"Jungkook, you can leave after you serve that customer," a girl shouted from the other side of the cafe.

For only 4:30, the place was pretty dead.

"Okay, thanks," a boy shouted back.

Wait- Jungkook?

"Hi what can I get for you?" a boy with dark hair asked me, leaning on the edges of the cash register.

He had his hair pushed back underneath a red coloured beanie, revealing his eyes. His jawline and cheek structure were even more prominent with his hair pushed back. Damn it, Jungkook was hot.

"Hi, those eight please," I handed him the sticky note, saving my embarrassment of not being able to pronounce half of the drinks.

"Okay, hang on a sec," he tapped some numbers into the register, quite quickly, pulled out a receipt and gave it to me, after I paid, "Name please?" he asked, picking up eight cups.

"Namjoon," I told him.

His voice was extremely honey like and maybe a tad husky, and it was a shame  I couldn't hear more if it in school.

"Okay. I'll get those for you," he jotted my name down on all eight cups, before moving over to blend the many drinks I'd ordered.

About fifteen minutes passed, and he'd finished all of the drinks, slipping them into the cardboard trays.

"Thanks," I said, and managed to pick both trays up without spilling anything.

"He smiled, flashing his white teeth. It was the first time I'd seen him smile properly.

Awkwardly, I pushed the door open with my shoulder. So, the green apron he was carrying earlier was his work uniform. He worked at Starbucks. A minimum wage job.

There were two occasions where I almost dropped both trays. On the third time, someone caught the tray I was dropping before it fell.

"Need some help?" a pair of brown eyes were looking down at me."

"Yeah, thanks," I replied, and held the tray I had left with two hands.

"So, it's Namjoon, right?" he smiled again, starting to walk.

He had a guitar case on his back.

"Yep, Jungkook, right?" I replied.

"Yeah... You don't go to BTBR... do you?" he cringed slightly, and I could tell that he already knew the answer. BTRB was our school's name.

"Yes, I do. But I'm not a bully, I'm just Namjoon," I laughed, and he relaxed.

"Thanks," once again, he smiled.

His smile was actually perfect. And extremely rare. Expect for today, today he was smiling a lot.

"So, you play the guitar?" I half-stated, gesturing to the guitar on his back.

"Yeah, I usually busk after work, but my boss let me off an hour early, and you were kind of struggle so, yeah," he laughed slightly after everything he said. That was kind of cute...

"Cool, my brother plays. He's good, he just doesn't really... use that talent well," I glanced up at the sky, trying to find a word that would describe Taehyung.

He laughed again, shrugging his shoulders so that the guitar case stayed in place. I don't know why Jungkook even got bullied. Well, other than the fact he was kind of emo, but he wasn't. He just looked emo. Emo's don't laugh and smile as much as Jungkook was. The only thing about Jungkook that was emo, was his style, his shyness and his reluctance.

We got to my house all too quickly. He was a nice guy, and you don't get many of them anymore.

"Hey, do you wanna come in for dinner? I'd love to hear you play, too," I tried asking him subtly, but it was pretty difficult.

"Of course, as long as it's not a problem," he was so polite, too.

"Not at all."

A/N if you can figure what BTBR stands for then there will be a surprise at the end of the story ^-^

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