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"Wes Jensen, you are hereby sentenced to life in prison, and face the death sentence." The judge's gavel slammed with an echo that rang through the silent courtroom.

Wes didn't move in his seat. People start to stand up and exit while two guards approached him. They yanked him up and cuff him roughly. His expression didn't change, and he continued to stare blankly into the blue.

He figured this would happen. That didn't make hearing it any easier. His case was a lost cause and everyone knew it. The evidence was stacked against him, and his lawyer sucked anyway.

No one protested, no one gave a damn. If anything, the onlookers seemed pleased. The jury had no regrets, and it was evident on their faces. How could they, after what he did.

Wes felt he deserved it. He had already freaked out enough earlier, though. Now all he could do was look like a shell. Empty, hollow, silent and full of grief. He was quiet while other people in the room started conversing, creating a dull murmur. He debated saying goodbye to his old life, but he ended up not wanting to think about it.

The suit he was wearing would be switched out for a basic orange jumpsuit. His brown combed over hair would likely become messier with time, as he stopped caring with time. He wasn't even sure he'd stay the same man.

A week ago, Wes Jensen was the nice young man across the street. He'd wave hello to his neighbors. He kept his lawn nice and trimmed. He'd help old miss Mrs. Hurley with her groceries. He was full of promise at his new job and had already made friends with all his coworkers.

Now, people looked at him like trash. Like he was sum of the Earth. They could care less if he rotted in jail until the end of time. He was a dirty murderer and would pay for his crime. Maybe his kindess was a façade, they speculated. Maybe he was too charismatic to be questioned until he was caught red handed. Even still, he would fade from their memory sooner or later. He'd disappear from the world inside prison.

The people leaving would continue on with their lives. Getting educated, working, falling in love, going to carnivals, building a family.

Wes just had prison to look forward to. Until they decide to lethally inject him. He lowered his head in shame as he was escorted out the door.

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