Caleigh: Fear of the unknown(past)

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That night I witnessed things I never knew or even believe existed.

Only 12, when demons appeared in my life. Listening frightened to death, I could hear nothing but my heart beat increasing. This creature standing before me couldn't appear as something human. Its hungry eyes bored into mine leaving me frozen, petrified of what was standing before me. Then he smirked at me revealing it's teeth, it's razor sharp teeth that could shred through meat and bone with ease, were so white. As if waiting for my blood to stain them and give them a disgusting color.


And I knew the moment he started heading in my direction and I made no effort to run, I hated myself.

For being so weak and letting fear control me.

Was I really going to welcome death with open arms?

I closed my eyes and gripped the ends of my blue shirt. I didn't want to see anymore. My body shook rapidly with fear. Ruff movement filled my ears but I was to scared to open my eyes.


A few seconds later that's all I heard, so I opened my eyes and stood before me was a man that looked at least 18.

The scarlet blood that splattered his contrasted startling with his pale skin. It stained his torn clothes and his eyes were wild but despite his dishevelled, bloody appearance, he still managed to look like....... well, like an alluring monster could look. His eyes, as red as the blood that stained his clothes and body, looked to me with sadness, something I never thought I'd see in a monster. His cheekbones razor sharp, his physique tall and subtly muscular. His beauty could not be ignored, nor did I want to. But it was the contrast between his heavenly face and the violent, hellish blood stains on his body that made him seem more forbidden.

He stepped towards me only to have me backed away, still shaken by what has happened.

Once he saw how frightened I must of looked, he stopped.

He stayed silent, as if afraid his voice might frighten me to finally break. To be honest, I think I just might.

So many questions wondered around in my head. Why was he here? Was he here to finish the job himself?

But he was different from the other monster. His eyes, they held no hunger for me but instead sorrow.


I slowly backed away from him, still frightened. I didn't dare look down from his face, knowing already of what has become of the monster that wanted to devour me.

Am I next to die?

Did he want my blood to stain him as much as the other one did?

He dropped his gaze from me, but I never looked away. To afraid that if I did, he'd devour every part of me in a second.

I should run.

I wanted to run.

But my legs disagreed.

I have never been so scared in my life.

"Run." His eyes searched mine for a reaction. His voice was calm and beautiful, unable to explain it but it fit him perfectly.

He told me to run.

He's letting me go.

I ran, I did as he asked before he changed his mind and decides to kill me.

I never came back to that park again. I left it and it's horrid memories behind not once looking back.

I never saw that monster again.

But in reality, I'd be lying if I said that aloud.

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