Noah - My kind

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I watched them as they defeated the demon. And when it attacked her it took everything not to rip it to pieces just for touching her. I couldn't do a damn thing because it would cause problems.

Once they left I cleaned up there mess. Snapping my fingers I sent the demon up in flames as I watched it burn to ashes.

"Why do you watch her, Prince Noah?" Rosetta said from behind me.

"Mind your business." I growled becoming protective over Caleigh.

"Forgive me, my prince." She bowed.

I let out a sigh and calmed down as she stayed bowed. "Sorry, I -"

"No, it is I who am sorry. I was out of line." She lifted her head.

"Would you please stop bowing." I began to walk away. There was No use in talking to her and saying it was my fault.

"As you wish." She stood following behind me.

"Why are you here?" I glanced behind me.

"I wanted to know how your first day was."

I thought of how I saw her at school. "Surprising." I smirked to myself.

She paused not knowing what I meant by it but let it slide."I'm glad you were okay. Did u find anything interesting?"

"No.. I uh... left early." I scratched the back of my head. After I saw Caleigh leave, I followed her.

"I hope you haven't forgot why were here, my prince. Do not let her cloud why your here and our purpose." She frowned.

I know she was right but I can't help it. Caleigh was different and I had to protect her. "Keep her out of this."

"My prince, please she is nothing more than a hu...." She didn't get to finish. My hand was on her neck in a second.

"Don't. Finish. That. Sentence." I growled. I don't know what came over me but I didn't like it. I loosened my grip on her neck before finally letting go.

There was a terrified look in her eyes. "Forgive me my prince." she cried.

"Rosetta I... "

She held up her hand and gave me a sad smile. "I must go now, excuse me." she turned to walk away and as if I hit the pause and fast forward button at the same time. Causing her move in slow motion and I saw it, the tear slip down her cheek, then it was like someone hit play and she was leaving.



She was walking home. I was following her to make sure nothing happens to her. Sensing my presents she threw a dagger near my head. So quick it caught me off guard.

She's incredible.

I think she deserved a found of applause for her performance. So I clapped for her and as i did she faced me.

"You!"She backed away as her eyes got big.

Is she always going to say that every time we encounter. "Yes it's me." I rolled my eyes.

"You're following me." She narrowed her eyes and the fear was suddenly gone. She walked closer to me, we were now 2 feet apart.

Although it wasn't a question I answered anyways. "Yes."

Her beautiful eyes glared at me. I knew that look.

I grabbed her hand before she could stab me in the neck. She was so close and smelt like strawberries. Taken off guard, her other hand punched me in the face. From shock I released her and smirked as I tasted my blood in my mouth. That actually kinda hurt. Her frown deepened when she saw my smirk. And with that she striked again. She punched left I dodged right, her knife was aimed at my stomach area. But before she could come close to stabbing me, I moved out the way. Then quickly I grabbed her arm stopping her from falling. Turning her body around I held her in my arms.

"Stop." I said to her softly. "I just wanna talk."

She yanked herself away from me as if she was disgusted. "Well, maybe I don't want to talk." she put her knife away.

I groaned. "Look, have you heard about kids missing at your school?"

She looked at me carefully before answering. "Yes, and we believe it's one of your kind." She snarled at me.

"My kind?" I glared at her. The disgust in her voice made me quite angry.

"Did I not just say that?" She rolled her eyes.

"Don't be a smartass, it's not cute." I growled.

"Don't be a dumbass.... Oh wait you can't help what you are." She smirked and started to walk away but with my speed I grabbed her arm. She tried hard to pry my hand off but couldn't No matter what she did. She really knows how to piss me off.

"Wow, should I be impressed on how many steroids you take every morning?" She looked at me bored.

Did she seriously just say that? I have never had anyone talk to me like that....

"I'm serious, if you know something you must tell me." I took a step towards her. She rose her eyebrow and took a step back.

"I don't have to tell you anything." She stubbornly put her hand on her hip.

"Listen, they took a friend of mine, please tell me." I know she won't listen if I force her.

"That's not my problem." She shrugged.

Now I was angry.

"Look you better tell me what you know or I'll....." My demon side was being exposed.

"Listen here demon, I'm not scared of you. I'll kill you next time I see your face, got it." She pointed her finger at me.

She's cute when she's mad, but I have to focus. She obviously knows something she just won't say.

"Cale, please, I need to know." I said becoming desperate.

"What did you just call me." She became more infuriated with me.

"You heard me." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"No, I don't think so, we aren't friends so you don't get to give me a nickname!" She said dryly.

"Whatever, I call you what I please." I smirked messing with her.

She glared at me once more and turned to leave. This time I let her go.

Once she was out of sight, I glared to my right. Where a tree stood tall. "You can come out now."

That Boy who goes on all her missions with her, came from behind the tree.

"Stay away from her." He growled at me.

"Down doggy, I'm not the enemy here." I put my hands up. He took a step forward.

"Don't call me that." He warned.

"That's not your name?" I teased.

"No, now stop this I don't know your name bullshit." He snarled.

But I wasn't bullshitting, I really didn't know. "Okay, Adrian."

"That's not my name!" He said infuriated with me.

"Damn, I thought I had it that time. You gotta help me out here buddy." I shrugged.

"Forget it. Just..... stay away from her." He warned.

"No can do, buddy. See, I have business with her." I frowned. Did he really care about her? If he does, I don't like it.

"It's a good thing I don't care." He glared at me.

Okay, now he was infuriating me. "I will not leave her alone. And you know exactly why I can't, don't you?" I smirked at him.

He sensed it too.

But he walked away without another word.

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