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|| Jeongguk POV ||

I am currently sitting in my bed, reading, about half asleep. I felt like I really needed this time to relax. With everything that has been going on lately. I really needed this, to just relax.

"SWIGGITY SWOOTY, I'M COMING FOR THAT BOOTY!" A sudden loud voice screams, I jump ten feet into the air, almost falling off my bed.

Hoseok bursts in through the door, "JEONGGUK!" Hoseok greets, running over and hugging me.

The heart monitor was now going crazy. "Yeah gee thanks, you almost gave me a fucking heart attack," I growl, holding my hand to my chest.

"Dude, I can tell, your beepy machine is going crazy," Hoseok giggles, pointing at the machine.

"Probably because you just fucking gave me a heart attack," I point out, scowling at him.

Just at that moment, Yoongi walks in, two bags in hand, an extremely mouth-watering smell comes from each of them. "Hey Hoseok, sorry, I didn't know you were coming, I would've gotten you some."

"Nah, I'm all good fam, I've already eaten."

"What'd you have?" I ask, receiving my bag from Yoongi.

Hoseok shuffles over to me, leaning down, close to my ear, "I touched the butt," he whispers.



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Sunshinehobi The rotary blades which prove fatal upon touch but also brings me thy cold temperate climate during the season where I can reside in my dwelling and sleep calmly with comfort and equality.

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Bunnyboy Hatern't

AgustD @Bunnyboy @Sunshinehobi Fuck you both

Smol_Jiminnie Memes have gotten out of hand.


《☆ Σ  x t r a v a g a n t ☆》


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