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I remember the time I was normal; the time I was Registered. I remember the normal, boring life I lived. I remember my parents; how they taught me that the Unregistered were bad and I should never be around one. And, I remember when I would sing a tune, how I would get punished for doing something so against the law, I'd get locked away forever.

I'm Luke or person 450,992, whichever you prefer. I'm eighteen in the 7th section in district 32, or at least I was. Now, I'm Unregistered, not alone, and free. Honestly, this choice to be this nonexistent being with the greatest choice I've made.

Let me explain, the government shut down every type of self expression (i.e: music, clothing styles, hair colors, eye colors.) after the 'War of Ages' which took place about three hundred years ago. History books tell of Nuclear explosions, greedy men, and social differences. So, in order to keep everyone together, they had to take away the thing that they believed tore us apart.

Now, if you aren't lucky enough to be born with blonde hair, and light eyes (like me), you were killed in cold blood. Many tried to escape this but always seem to fail. Even if it worked, it left you an Unregistered so you either starved to death on you own, or were killed be the deceases of the outside world.

Now, let's talk Unregistered. In the new government society, you had to be a registered number, like I was number 450,992 because I was the 450,992nd person born left on the earth after the war. The Unregistered hide, live outside the walls of the districts-living in huts and abandoned cities. It's not an easy life. You kill your own food, starve, get sick and die while the people within the walls-the Registered-get food whenever they please, safe shelter, and kind human interaction. But, all of that comes with a price. That price being the government is always watching you, regulating every time you say, how much food you take, they even regulate how many children you had and you always had to stop at three blonde haired, blue eyed babies. Hell, you couldn't even have sex until you were married to someone picked out for you. It was a fools paradise. Us playing the part as rats, not even knowing what we were missing.

Well, I knew what we were missing. I knew what I wanted to change even when I was a child. I wanted out of the walls and into the world, but of course that wasn't a choice I had. The only way to get out of the walls was if you went through the sewage tunnels underground. Who'd wanna do that?

I just wanted to sing. To let my voice out. Thats all I ever needed. I could write words of a poet, something that was outlawed to the moon. They called it 'muckery' and a 'waste of time' to want to write thoughts down on paper. To them, paper was used for studies; not your own free will which we did not have here.

Honestly, I wonder how things would have been different if I couldn't sing, or write. I'd probably still be a 'lab rat' with the rest of my family, I wouldn't be hungry, I would be safe. But then again, I wouldn't have meet them. And they, on their own, was enough to ditch the walls forever and life in unsafe freedom, feeling alive inside rather than controlled.

One of them always joked about how he didn't want to be another 'Social Causality'. I never got what he meant by that but I sure as hell do now. I'm not like everyone else. I'm different and I'm not ashamed of it in the slightest. And you know what? I'm entirely fine with that. When you have nothing else to fight for, you fight for you freedom. Freedom to sing, to dance, to draw, to write to, well, live.

So, go ahead. Tell me how I'm foolish, or ignorant, or idiotic for trying to take down something so powerful. But, don't you dare call me a coward. Because, that's just not the truth.

(( Aha Yeah, Luke Hemmings, the end of the world, over-controlling Government. Isn't this just great.

Well anyways, I'm sorry about the shitty explanation so here, I'll do it a little better to help your understanding.

1.) War. Basically, all the countries with any kind of nuclear weapon fired on each other, causing humanity to nearly collapse and because rather instinct.

2.) How the 'blue eyes, blonde hair' thing came to be. So, a man with a rather Hitler-like attitude wanted only those people to live. He could the war to end so now, hes more of an unjust ruler, a tyrant if you will. He also caused mass geniside killing out a lot more of the human race. Those who were left were scattered to different parts of the world in seconds. Sections where broken down to districts which are basically towns.

3.) The walls. Once the Nuclear bombs went off, not everything could be cleaned up or disposed of properly thus creating the walls. It was meant to keep the 'correct' people in along with keeping out the wreckage of from the war which ruined our planet. Inside the walls, they look clean, cared for, but each house is identical to their neighbor. Any decorations are forbidden.

4.) Time. Granted, this did happen 300 years ago resulting in the death of the original tyrant but of course, his kids follow in his footsteps.

5.) Self Expression. Any type of self expression is out-lawed because they felt that's what lead to the war.

There, basically that sums up this confusing mess.

Let me know in the comments what you think of the beginning of the story. Thank yous LYSM BAE ))

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