Sour Meat and a Girl Named Miya

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I woke up to the smell of old socks and meat. The kinda that you throw away due to its overdrawn time spent on a counter or in the fridge. I'd initially thought to that I would need to inform mother of the souring and possible molding of the deli meats before I'd opened my eyes and realized where I was... Or more like where I wasn't.

My familiar and comforting surrounding of my boring walls, with my boring windows in my boring bed with the same old boring view were replaced by the sight of thick, dark and molded brick walls, tattered blankets and the sight of a head full of bright red hair standing in what appeared to be some sort of poorly put together kitchen.

I frankly raised my head, confused and horrified. I had so many questions emerge from my pounding skull. Where was I? What happened? Why am I with an Unregistered? Why am I not home? Where's my mother--
My mother!

My memories flooded back like the waters in a sinking ocean ship. I was horrified. Despite my efforts of concealing myself, I let of what was like a dry howl from deep within my throat. M dry lips cracked as I opened my mouth to make such a ghastly and inhuman like sound. Michael as I remember he was called rushed to me, his face in panic as I remembered my mothers had been.

"Luke!" He called, grabbing me hard on the shoulders, pulling me into him. He smells sour, like he hadn't showered in quite some time. But despite that, it felt nice, being touched; comforted.

Tears seeped from my face without my control. I wailed as a child would in times of crisis and I was completely powerless over my overbearing emotions. Michael noticed my distress and didn't speak a word. But he did something else; something I don't as highly unfamiliar will.

He wrapped both arms around me, and held me to him, my face resting in the crook of his pale neck. I didn't understand what he was doing, or exactly why he'd thought of doing whatever this was, but it made me feel at ease almost. Like I was in a place of complete safety. No one could hurt be because Michael would help me.

I didn't stop crying.

I awoke again to a different smell, this time something of edible stature. I guessed eggs and possibly a form of baked bread. I lifted my head once more. Michael was no where to be seen, yet his voice was present on the other side of a poor crafted wooden door that stood in the far corner of one of the thick, bricked walls.

"It isn't that simple Miya." His voice rang, slightly stern.

A girls voice chimed in through. "What do you mean it isn't that simple!" Her voice was smooth, like silk. Beautifully pitched and passionate. "We have this kid now! With his knowledge of whatever's inside the damn wall, we should be able to take the fuckers down!"

Michaels brute sigh became apparent, his movements shifted as did mine. I stood and pulled together my composure. My throat was parched, but I couldn't see any water in sight.
Michael's voice timed in again, slightly angry this time. "Miya, he's had a rough day. He's lived his whole life inside those walls and just woke up outside of them." He sighed again, his voice low forcing me to strain to hear him. "I don't know what he saw, but he cried for two hours this morning, and I'm not forcing him to do anything that'll make him uneasy right now. So for one second, focus on your human compassion for a minute instead of your demonic hatred of the districts and everyone inside, okay?"

The girl, Miya, signed back in return. "Yeah... Yeah you're right."

"Thank you," Michael returned. "And do me a favor, hold off on the welcoming party for awhile? He's still so new to this it'll take some time to adjust to life out here."

Miya scoffed. "Sure but he's gonna realize he should've left years ago."

I sat down on a short-legged bar stood and stared at the grim looking wall on the far side of the kitchen, letting my brain process what had happened. I was outside of the walls, that was for sure. I'm staying somewhere I believe to be Michaels home and he's been good to me this far. Okay, there's a girl named Miya. And my mother was most likely dead, along with my siblings and father by all, all because I was... different.

Bile rose in my throat once more as I struggled to conceal my guilt. I was a horrid person. It was all my fault, wasn't it? I had no one else to blame.

Disrupting my thoughts, Michael's hand touched my shoulder, instinctively making me slightly pull away. He offered a sincere smile and say next to me on a different bar stood; one with a baseball bat as a leg.

He smiled slightly, "How'd you sleep?"

I sighed l, but couldn't help to let a small smile creep into my cracked lips. How could he be so relaxed right now? He acted so normal like nothing had catastrophically changed for me.

"Fine," I lied. "How long was I asleep?"

Michael grabbed something that looked like a disfigured ball and said without looking at me, "Two days... Well you woke up briefly at 3 am last night."

I shook my head trying to think back to how I'd managed to sleep through two full days, waking up to only to scream. Suddenly embarrassed I put my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry," I muttered.
Michael shook his head and put his hand on my back. "Why?"

I signed, "For being such a burden."

Michael shook his head. "You aren't being a burden. You saved my life, I just didn't
picture myself being able to repay the favor. I'm glad I can, and in glad you're with us."

(( I'm sorry I suck in gonna update more okay? Okay. ))

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