Red Hair

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I couldn't tell you how much time had passed as Mike and I laid on my bed. He told me stories of the life he lives outside the walls. The people he'd met, the things he had to do to survive. He clearly didn't mind opening up to me, it made me almost embarrassed to think I had nothing to retort with. My life was nothing compared to his. Just a Registered doing basic life functions in order to be alive.

He said, that, on its own, would've driven him mad. He would've survived here, within the walls, being born blonde, with those pale eyes; but, his mother was a brunette. Her own mother found a way to get her through the tunnels of a sewer safely and raised her outside the walls. It was quite an amazing story if you ask me. Lucky for my mother, all three of us, Ben, Jack and I were all blonde and blue eyed. Being the youngest, I was the only one not given a life partner and a free-pass out of the house.

Mike smiled and finally put his shirt back on that was lying on the floor. "You do anything for fun around her, Luke?"

I shook my head. The most fun thing I've done here was when I was a child. I had a bike and toys too. But, year twelve they took all of those things from me because I was 'too old'. So now, all I did was study. "No, not exactly. What about you?"

Michael smiled. "I skateboard." He said, his eyes bright.

I stared at him, feeling more confused as I ever had been. "You what?"

"It's a board on wheels." He said. "About 12-18 inches long. It's a lot of fun."

I sighed, feeling like I'd missed out. "Sounds like it."

Michael offered me somewhat of a sad look. But, before he could speak, I heard my front door open. My heart sunk to my stomach as I looked at Michael, him looking just as panicked as I had.

We stood quickly. I gestured to my closet, him seeming to understand pretty clearly. When he emerged himself in my multiple, identical shirts. He looked highly misplaced with his bright red locks and black get-up. I threw his jacket in with him as I closed the closet door swiftly, just as my father entered the room; a brown bag in hand. My brown bag.

"Lucas?" He asked, staring at me. I swallowed the large lump in my throat and looked at him. He looked like he always did. Blonde hair short and slicked back, black hat with his white button up shirt and tie on. But, he seemed off. More harsh than usual.

"Father," I greeted him, showing him the required respect as you do to the head of the household, as our government had said.

He glared slightly and raised my bag. "Do you wish to tell me why this was given to me by your teacher?" He asked angrily. My father was not a man who liked to be made a fool of. Especially not because of me. He'd always known I was different, and he made sure I knew of it.

I nervously looked down. How could I forget? I put down my bag when I entered the woods. How could I have been so careless?

"I-I don't know sir... I must have set it down and forgotten it..."

"By the woods?" He asked, clearly not buying into my story.

I nodded. "I... I was talking with Mindy. I must have just misplaced it."

He squinted his eyes and looked at me, searching for a reason not to believe me, I suppose. I knew as soon as Mindy's name was mentioned, all would be forgiven. I'd never shown interest in her which worried my family dearly. Homosexuality was against all laws, not that I felt that way, but that's what my family most likely concluded on their own accord. So, then, me forgetting something due to the thought of Mindy was enough for him to nod and leave the room.

I let out a sigh of relief and closed my door, using the pad located on my wall. Michael slipped out of the closet and smiled at me, his happiness clearly expressed. "That was close," he whispered. I nodded in response.

I felt my body relax as I put my fingers through my flat hair. Before I could properly reassess what to do, Michael spoke up, pulling his strange fabric—something called 'leather'—upon his shoulders. "I should be going."

I shook my head, not wanting the only person I was able to speak with freely to leave just yet. I finally had felt accepted, I didn't want that feeling to vanish yet. He seemed to notice as he approached my window. "I'll come back," he said, then disappeared into the darkness. Leaving me alone with a feeling of strange expectance from a boy with red hair.

(( Well it's short as all hell but here's an update. Next chapter's gonna be better I swear. I'm sorry for taking so long but I intend to take this one as seriously as I do all my other fan fictions. I love you all babes. ))

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