Chapter Twelve

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-Megan and Lucifer-

               Megan and Lucifer stay up late into the night planning a prank for the next morning and Megan giggles quietly “Luce this is going to be amazing. We might get maimed but it will be amazing.” Lucifer chuckles “Don’t worry Meg. Unless they pull out holy oil I can protect you from whatever they throw at us.” Megan smiles up at him “Thanks Luce. But you don’t always have to protect me. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Lucifer nods “I know that. But it makes me feel useful when I protect you.” Megan smiles snuggling into Lucifer’s arms as they discuss their plans “Ok. So do we know what time Sam wakes up?” Lucifer nods “6 AM sharp. We’ll have to turn the car pink before we shave a moose.” Megan giggles at the joke then nods “OK. And it’s 4 AM now… so we may as well go get started” Lucifer nods and stands helping her up and whisper yells “Come my partner in crime! We shall cause mischief!” Megan smiles and they sneak off to the garage Lucifer waving his hand and changing the color of the impala to neon hot pink. Megan bursts out laughing “Dean is going to try and kill us Luce” Lucifer chuckles “Been there, done that, no dice.” Megan chuckles then pulls a set of shears (Like the kind to shear sheep or in this case a moose. Lol –Morgan) out of the deep confines of her jacket pockets and grins evilly “Shall we shear a moose Luce?” Lucifer grins “I knew there was a reason besides your fighting skills that I loved you.” Megan freezes staring at Lucifer in shock “What did you say?” Lucifer calmly repeats himself “I said that I love you.” Megan continues staring not able to form words and the archangel starts to fidget looking uncomfortable and he mumbles “Sorry if I pushed you to far to fast… I know you have issues from everything that’s happened to you… but I’m not taking it back because it’s true.” Megan nods and lunges forward hugging Lucifer tight “Shut up. I love you to you idiot.” Lucifer relaxes hugging her for a while before kissing her cheek “Ready to shave Sammy?” Morgan nods grinning and stands up moving quickly to Sam and Karlie’s room then quietly slips into the room and shaves Sam’s head running out of the room when he starts to move and giggling when he yells dragging Lucifer to the living room trying to outrun Sam. Megan and Lucifer outrun them for a while before Megan trips over a chair and Lucifer trips over her allowing Sam and Dean to catch both of them. Megan ignores the boys just trying to keep from puking as Sam squeezes her to tight on purpose. Lucifer smarts off to Dean for a few minutes until the hunter breaks his hand punching him and Lucifer takes pity on them fixing the car and giving Sam back his hair. Megan watches as Loki disappears and Dean runs off to his precious car Castiel following closely behind him then feels Lucifer tugging her down the hallway and follows him hearing Sam and Karlie follow them and they yell about pregnancy for a few minutes before Lucifer shuts the door in their faces and turns to her “So… you come here often?” Megan rolls her eyes sighing but ends up laughing anyway “Luce you’re an idiot” Lucifer nods “Yes. But I’m your idiot.” Megan smiles “Yes you are. And I’m your psychopath.” Lucifer nods smiling and kisses Megan only pulling away when she needs to breathe and says slyly “So… want to go see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes?” Megan’s eyes light up and she nods “Yes! Yes let’s go Luce!!!” Lucifer chuckles and grabs her around the waist disappearing from the room and appearing in an alley beside the cinema (For those that are stupid like myself cinema is movie theater. I didn’t learn that till last year… I’m 17… -Morgan) and walking in paying for tickets, candy, and popcorn like a normal couple. No-one in the cinema ever suspects that they shared a theatre with a crazy chick and the Devil. 

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