~A gift from Dad~

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"Wait... Did you just said that Daniel is cute?" Dottie has a smirk on her face. I have to say the truth. He does look cute.

"I'm not going to lie, he's actually pretty cute!"

Kuwaii-chan was jumping up and down while Dottie and Rylan was looking at Daniel with a smirk on their face.

I looked at Daniel and saw him still red. Wait.. is he blushing?

"C'mon Rylan. Let's go to class now!"

"Oh! Ok! Let's go!"
Me and Rylan started running to our class. Actually... We thought we were late...

~Time skip to Math class~
Me, Dottie, and Daniel went to Math class. Honestly, I don't like math. Math is hard.
(A/n if your good at math then just pretend that your not good at it ok?)
The teacher came up and it was actually pretty boring. After about 30 minutes the bell rang. Yay! It's lunch again!

We sat on a random table and started eating. I saw Kacey and Katelyn on the other side.

"Kacey! Katelyn! You can sit here!"

I shouted for them to hear.

"Hey Y/n!"

Katelyn and Kacey sat down and started eating too. Now that I'm thinking of it, where's Alpha?

"Um, Katelyn, where's Aphmau?"

"Oh! She's actually tired and stressed from all this Alpha work so she is going to stay in her house for a while"

"Aww... Poor Alpha!" Rylan said.

"Hey, what about we visit Alpha tomorrow? I mean, there's no school tomorrow" Dottie said.

"That's a great idea Dottie" Daniel said.

"What about you Kacey and Katelyn?" I ask

"Sorry Y/n me and Kacey have some plans to do"

"Oh, that's okay!"

The bell rang.

~Time skip again of you going back home cause I'm lazy as hecc~

"Mom! I'm ho-"

I stopped and saw... Dad..



I ran to him and hugged him. It's been so long! Dad couldn't visit us in a very long time because of work.

"Also, I have something for you!"

He looked at his back gave me a puppy.


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I hugged him very tight because I finally got a puppy! Normally Dad won't let me get a pet.

"Also, Dad, Mom, Can I visit Aphmau's house with my friends?"

"Sure honey you can go with your-"

Mom was cut of by Dad.

"Are your friends girls?"
Dad asked. Not again, he doesn't like me hanging out with boys. But, I should tell him the truth.

"Yeah, There's 3 boys and 1 girl"

"3 boys?!"

"Dad! Calm down! I don't have a boyfriend!"

"Yet" Mom said with a funny look on her face.

"But seriously Hun, You can't be overprotective of her and don't worry! She has a friend that's a girl"

She said calmly

"Alright, but if those boys did anything wrong to you I'll make sure to make them pay" Dad said with a scary look on his face.

"U-uhhhh, Well I gotta go to my room now bye!"

As I was walking upstairs, I saw D/N trying to get up the stairs.


I picked her/him up and went to my room and put her on to my bed.

I gave her/him a toy and she started playing with it. As I was watching her play I got a massage.

Y- you
Do- Dottie
R- Rylan
D- Daniel
B- Blaze

R-Hey guys! I just have question, when are we going to visit Alpha?

Do- I Don't know, what about you Y/n?

Y- Maybe around 4pm?

D- Thanks for giving us the time Y/n!

Y- No problem!

B- Gey guys! Should I bring her cake?

R- I don't know Blaze. Your choice.

B- okay!

Y- Guys I have to tell you something.

Do- What is it?

Y- I have a new dog!

Do- Awww, I'm jelly! Can you send a picture?

Y- Sure! Here!

D- Awww

Y- Well guys, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye!


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