The Beast brews

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The next time I woke up, I was laying in a soft bed with a cloth over my face. I reached up and pulled the white cloth off my face and grumbled, "the fuck is this for?" as I looked around the room to find myself alone. When I attempted to sit up the first time pain shot through my body from my shoulder. I quickly had to lay back down, and wait for the pain to pass, meanwhile I thought of how to get up without hurting my shoulder. The last time I was injured this badly, I had to roll onto my stomach first, then slide out of bed onto my feet. So after the pain passed I carefully rolled onto my stomach, and began to crawl to the edge of the bed. Where I carefully got to my feet and used my good side to straighten myself up. Once on my feet I limbed to the door, it felt like I hadn't moved in several days so my whole body was sore. I exited the room, and went to go find someone to ask them to get me something to eat. When I passed the living room I heard several people sniffling, and quietly sobbing, and three people I identified as Danniel, Lars, and Ambrus openly crying, and sobbing. I made my way to the kitchen to attend to my stomach before attending to my crying boys.

In the kitchen I saw Sadiq slaving over the stove, I grumbled, "Please tell me that there is something to eat?" But it came out scratchy and croaky due to a dry mouth and throat. 

"How can you eat at a time like this! Amelia is dead, and Ambrus might as well be!" He growled not even turning around.

I asked, "Do I look dead to you, Sadiq?"

He paused before peering over his shoulder at me, gawking like a fish out of water. I added, "I might die if I don't get something to eat or drink soon."

He quickly gave me a plate of dried meats, and fruit leathers, and a glass of milk. All of which I scarfed down, I felt like I hadn't eatten in days. I looked at Sadiq when he poked my shoulder to which I assumed was to check if I was real. I grumbled, "I'm not dead, just a little tired."

"But your heart stopped, and you weren't breathing!" He gasped.

"I probably just went into a small comatos state for a while, no big." I shrugged, "in those states heart beats and breaths get so small and soft that they can't be heard, felt, or seen."

He mumbled, " I have to go tell the others, I'll be right back."

A minute after he left the kitchen I heard Ambrus's familiar voice laced with anger, and sprinkled with despare scream, "Don't even joke about such things Sadiq! Get out of my sight!" 

I took that as my que to make myself known, I winced while getting to my feet, and slowly made my way over to the door. However Sadiq opened the door when I went to open it myself, he grumbled, "he doesn't believe me."

"Looks like he's going to owe you an apology, when I'm through with him." I replied softly, as I slipped past him into the hall way. Where I came face to face with a demented, distrought looking Ambrus, who froze when he saw me. I smirked at him and chuckled, "I don't die that easily Ambrus, you should know that I'm indestructable."

With that he broke down crying, as his knees wouldn't support his weight anymore. I walked over to him and hugged him. I cooed, "Those better be tears of joy Ambrus."

"I thought you were dead!" He sobbed, as he crawled into my arms, "never scare me like that again!"

"No promises." I shrugged.

"what happened to your brother?" I asked looking at the boys as they sat in the living room. Suddenly everyone went silent after I said that, Ambrus was the first to speak. He said, "they escaped, but I had a message sent to our guard posts here to Italy to be on the look out for them."

"oh what are you gonna do if you find them?" I inquired.

Ambrus abruptly stood up and snapped, "I'm gonna rip my brother fucking throat out, that't what I'm gonna do. And you will not stop me from taking my revenge for harming my mate."

I was a bit taken aback by his sudden boldness at first. However I promptly snapped out of it and let him know what I thought of his little plan. I stood up and pointed my finger at him and growled, "now listen here Ambrus, he is your only flesh and blood, and you shouldn't kill him. Yes he bit me, but he's your brother, your only family you have left. You don't know just how fast I'd kill to have that again, to see their faces to talk to them, even if it was just for a moment. I can't let you make that mistake even if it means protecting your own brother from you."

He grabbed a hold of my arms and yelled, "you will do no such thing, I'm in charge here not you, and if it means locking you up to get to that fucker then I will." Shaking me a little.

I honestly did not expect him to explode on me like that, but wow he really wanted to see his brother's blood spilled. When he stopped and just stared at me, I quietly said, "Have you already forgotten just how lonely it is knowing you're the only one left standing in your family? How lonely it is knowing that even though you still have ties to other people, those ties will never be as strong as blood ties. I'm asking you not only as your friend, but as your mate, please don't kill your brother. He bit me, and I don't hold a grudge against him, so neither should you."

With that he let go of me and stormed out of the room, but I didn't go after him. It was best just to let the beast inside him brew.

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