Herz Kraft center stage

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Fredek's POV

I watched as Alexsander closed his vice like grip around my distressed traveling companion, deeming her a prize of his conquest over Ambrus. She screamed, "Stop it! Let me go, or else!" As Alexsander pulled her to her feet.

"Or else what? You'll hit me with your small hand?" He mocked, "save that energy for later after drinks, when I ravage you."

I saw the look of anxiety in her eyes reach peak levels, then snap leaving pure instinct in control. Her arms fell to her sides in submission, Alexsander chuckled, "Good girl, I'll reward you for that tonight." Pulling her hips against his. For once Amelia remained silent, I felt my old friend tug on my sleeve. I looked down at Ambrus, who whispered, "she's snapped, the last person she snapped on was in a coma for two weeks."

I looked at Ambrus as he faded into uncounsciousness once again, before looking at Amelia. Alexsander oblivious to her intense souless stare, I looked at the other alphas, all of them looked angrily and disgusted at Alexsander's behavior towards his guest. None the less Alexsander asked, "is my prize capable of walking on her own or do I have to drag her?"

Amelia said, " I can walk on my own."

Alexsander smiled and laughed, "we will have a wonderful celebration with a pleasurable finale." Letting her go, stepping to the side, and holding out his arm.

She said, "that is what I would say if I was a prize," stepping away and facing him. Her normally beautiful calm face contorted into pure rage, concentration, and blood lust, as she roared, " but I am no man's prize, and you will submit to the fact that I am not an item that can be won like a trophy." Her declaration, no Command was something that struck fear in me, and my wolf.

She launched attack after attack on Alexsander, he didn't have time to defend himself, dodge, or recover from and of the blows she swung at him. There was no stopping her, soon as the foot that was just used to attack was set firmly on the ground, her body spun around to face him giving her kicks more momentum. In a matter of minutes Alexsander was covered in blood, and bruises. When she stopped to breath Alexsander took this moment to transform, he felt threatened enough to used his fangs and claws against her. Which was a big mistake, because she had him on his back spread eagle open, as she pinned him down as she put Alexsander in a hold that would give her the leverage and ability to snap his neck.Alexsander stupidly panicked and began clawing at her stomach and thighs. I couldn't see what she did, but he yelped and stopped moving altogether besides his labored breathing as she put presure on his wind pipe with her shoulder. I heard her growl, "I will allow you to live this time, but if you ever disrepect me, or anyone for that matter, I will rip your throat out. Feel lucky Amelia has a good control over me, or else you would have been dead a long time ago Stark."

With that Amelia stood up, gave Alexsander one final kick in the ribs while he tried to get up, before returning to us. I watched Alexsander scamper away into the woods. I asked, "who are you?"

She looked at me and said, " you know me but not my name."

"Which is?"

"Herz Kraft, she knows that I exist, but she doesn't know I am part of her, she thinks I'm make believe. It gives her comfort when part of herself desires to rip out someones throat and feel their blood run down our chin and throat." She replied, "but we need to get the erdő uralkodó to see apja orvos he'll bleed out very fast. Press this to the wound to help stop the bleeding, while I go get Kazmer." She said, handing me not only Ambrus's clothing, but her thick sweater that she always wore when she got cold as well, before running off top speed towards our camp site.

She returned ten minutes later with Kazmer, Ivan, Sadiq, and Ambrus's favorite horse, Henry. As he examined Ambrus, Kazmer inquired, "do you know what's got Amelia acting so funny? I understand she cares about Ambrus, but she basically dragged me out of bed by my wrist, while throwing my medical bag at me."

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