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Katerina's POV


"Kat, please let me in. I made them leave I promise!" Harry knocked on the door. I opened it. "Come on." He pulled my arm but I held onto the door. "Where are we going?" I asked. He grabbed my waist. "To a restaurant, were going to make the best out of tonight." He kissed me.

"But I still have hot chocolate in my hair.." I whispered and he laughed. "Your still beautiful. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and led me outside. By now the sun was going down. We walked by the bakery, but Harry stopped. His hand still connected with mine. "No Harry." I said seeing the girl and Mason still inside.

"Yes!" Liam and Niall ran out of two dark corners. Niall started tickling me. "No! Stop it!" I laughed. Liam managed to grab my waist and throw me over his shoulder. "Liam! Let me down!" I banged in his back. "No." He said firmly and walked inside.

He set me down right in front of the table. "Back for more I see?" The girl laughed. I crossed my arms and I looked at Harry, tears filling my eyes. "Babe, come here." He grabbed me and hugged me. "Awh, look. She needs her boyfriend to comfort her." I looked at Mason.

He looked upset. "Can we just go.." I whispered and faced the other way. "Here." He pulled a camera out, turned it on and set it down.

The girl laughed. "Look! He's vlogging! That's so gay!" I looked at Harry, he was laughing. I suddenly saw a white cloud come from left and right. "OH MY GOD!" Screamed the sassy girl. Mason and her were both covered in flour.

Mason looked at me. "Katerina he's a bad influence on you. You made a wrong decision." Harry laughed. "No mate, I think you did." Suddenly everyone i knew started laughing.

"Babe, guess what?" Harry said. "What?" I asked, still in his arms. "All on video." I laughed. I got up and grabbed a handful of flour. I walked to Mason.

"We're leaving!" Everyone laughed again. "Thanks guys." Everyone started leaving. Except me, Harry, Niall, Liam and Bailey. Mason and that girl were still there.

"What did I do to you?" I asked the girl. "What the hell do you mean?" She asked trying to clean herself off. "Why did you cuss me out? And pour hot chocolate on my head?" I asked standing in front of her.

"Oh I don't know.." She shrugged. I turned around. There was a sudden rush of water poured on top of me. Harrys eyes went wide. So did Bailey's. Liam and Niall got up about to beat someone. "HAHA SHES SOAKING WET!" Mason yelled. I stopped Liam and Niall.

I licked my finger. "That's really good. Barbara, can you make me some HOT chocolate?" That shut them up real quick. Everyone clapped. Harry was basically dying of laughter. So was Bailey. Liam and Niall kinda just kicked them out. I looked down at myself. "Well, today was fun." We all walked outside.

Me and Harry said goodbye to Liam, Niall and Bailey and walked home. "So Katerina.." Harry held my hand and swung it back and fourth as we walked. "So Harry.." He smiled. "Have you ever thought about having kids?" He asked taking me by surprise. I nodded.

"I would like one, eventually." He nodded. "Would you have one with me?" He asked looking at me and I nodded. "If we were a bit older, had a legit house, and a job. Of course." He smiled and kissed my temple. "We'll get there eventually. We'll start a family, have a house here, and live happily ever after."

I leaned my head against his arm. "What do you want to do in life?" He asked another question. "Well as a kid, I wanted to become famous and sing and act. But that dream died down when my dad went into the hospital.." I sighed.

"Why? Your a beautiful singer and an amazing lier." I punched him and he laughed. "I don't know, my dad always watched me when I put on shows. I would try doing them in the hospital but it was no use. Doctors always kicked me and my mom out before I could even say hi.."

He nodded. "Would you still become a singer and actor if someone made you a gig." I shrugged. "Yeah. I guess.." He nodded again. We got home and I turned on the tv. "What do you want to eat babe?" He asked opening the fridge. "Carrotssssssssss!" I said rolling on my side of the 'bed.'

"Here you are." He handed me a bowl of carrots. Man do I love me some carrots. "What's on?" He laid next to me. "Nothing, so I put it on 21 jumpstreet." I looked at him smirking. "Let me guess. You absolutely love this movie?" I laughed when he nodded like a five year old when offered candy.

"Wanna know my favorite movie?" I asked and he looked at me. "I don't know.. do I?" I laughed. "Magic Mike." He frowned. "The stripper movie with Channing Tatum?" He said rolling his eyes, I nodded. "That movies stupid."

"Why because your not in it?" I laughed. "Exactly." He laughed and took one of my carrots. "NO! MY CARROTS!" I screamed scaring him. "Jesus, I just wanted one.." I laughed and handed one to him. "I was kidding you dork." He stuck his tongue put at me.

"I'm going to bed." I said getting up and putting my carrots in the fridge. "Me too." Harry yawned and stretched.

"Goodnight babe." He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Night."

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