Chapter Six

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Hannah's POV

The next morning I woke up and checked my schedule, only to find three classes for the day. I didn't know if I had any with Harry, but I did have one with Peyton. Music 101 was at eleven, and I had one class before that. Human Growth and Development at 9:15, which is a class that goes toward my teaching certification. After getting ready, I gathered up my things that I needed for my first two classes and headed out the door.

My stomach grumbled as I walked to the education building, and I decided to go to a campus Starbucks. I stood in line as I grabbed cash out of my wallet. When the people on front of me were finished ordering, I walked up to the register to be greeted by a familiar blonde guy.

"Hey! Hannah, how's it going?" Niall said as he looked up from the screen.

"It's going good. How did you remember my name, Niall?" I said, confused.

"Uh.., How'd you remember mine?" he said.

"... Your nametag?" I said as I pointed to the green plastic piece on his apron.

"Right! Of course. Well, I just have a good memory, is all." He said.

I ordered my drink, getting a croissant to hold myself over until lunch. Waving bye to Niall, I walked out of the coffee shop into the brisk fall air. I pulled my jacket closer around my body as I walked into the building.

Seeing the class was almost completely empty, I decided to sit in the front row of seats in order to hear the professor better. There was a boy one seat down from me, and he was looking down at something in his notebook. I grabbed my notebook and pencil out of my bag and set them in front of me. Seeing that it was only 9:00, I took my phone out and checked Twitter. 

I was reading a twitter fight between two celebrities when a loud crash startled me.

"Shit!" the boy beside me said as he noticed all his pencils had fallen out of his bag and onto the floor. "Sorry, I normally don't curse. I don't know what came over me." he said as he bent down to retrieve his things.

"It's alright, I do it plenty of times myself." I said as I bent down beside him to help.

When we both had cleaned up the mess and sat back in our seats, he turned to me and I got a good look at his face. Light brown hair, styled in a quiff, with rich brown eyes and a small amount of facial hair. He was very handsome, and seemed like a nice guy. 

"I'm Liam. Liam Payne." He said, as he turned and smiled at me. "Thanks for helping me clean that up, your name is?"

"Hannah. Hannah Wallier." I said as I smiled back at him. He seemed very happy and it was contagious. We made small talk until the class started, and we found out a lot about each other. He told me that is he is an Education major, and he wants to be a middle school english teacher. A girl walked into the class and sat down beside him. He introduced me to her, and told me that her name was Sophia. We all made light conversation, and I decided that they would be a nice couple to hang out with. Maybe Harry and I could go on a double date with them? The class ended and I stood up to leave, saying goodbye to Liam and Sophia. 

"Hannah! Wait up!" Sophia called as she ran to me. "We're gonna go get something to eat. Want to come with us?" 

"Sorry, I can't. I have a class in fifteen minutes." I said as I smiled at her.

"Oh, that's okay. We'll do it another day." She said as she walked back to Liam.


I sat in the same seat I had sat in the day before, and got my stuff out as Peyton came and sat next to me. "So.... how was the date?" She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

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