Chapter Seven

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A/N: Omg, I so sorry it's taken so long to update. I'm just starting to type this chapter on my phone (Sep. 10) and as y'all know, I started my freshman year of high school three weeks ago. I've also been taking care of my grandparents and with that, and homework, and auditions and all that jazz, I've had a total of zero minutes to type this up. So sorry :-( anyways...... read the A/N at the end because... yeah. I want to know more about my readers :-) so i'll have some questions that y'all can answer for me. Happy reading y'all!!

Hannah's POV

I sat in a seat close to the front of the room, reaching in my bag for Psycology notebook to review my notes. I was re-reading the notes I had written about the strucutre of the human mind when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hi." Harry smiled at me as he sat down in the seat to my right. 

"Hey. How are you?" I ask as I put up my notebook and turn to face him.

"Very well, thank you. I haven't seen you in a while."

I laughed as I said "I saw you two days ago. Harry! Remember, that amazing date you took me-"

"So you thought the date was amazing?" He says, smirking at me with a halfway surprised look on his face.

Slightly blushing, I say "Eh. It was okay." I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Harry's jaw dropped and his mouth completely open.

"WHAT?" He said, quickly being shushed by classmates around us.

Harry looks around and apoligizes, and then turns to me with a bewildered look on his face. "What do you mean it was 'okay'?" he whisper-shouts. "I took all day planning out that date. I thought you would love it. Hannah, I'm so sorry that I took you on sucha sucky date. I promise I'll do bet-"


"What/" he says.

" I was just joking. The date was amazing." I say, chuckling as a relieved look spread on his face.

"Oh. Thank goodness! I was so worried. Geez, don't ever scare me like that!" he laughs.

"I won't. But seriously Harry, that date was amazing. Definitely goes down in the books as the best first "1st date" ever." I smile at him as I speak these very truthful words.

He smiled at me, but hesitated slightly before he said "Well, there are more amazing dates where that came from. Of course, if you'll stick around ling enought to go on them with me?"

"I'll stay as long as you want me around, Harry." I say, wondering if he was saying what I thought he was saying. I then realized that I hadn't been paying attention to the lecture at all. 

I was listening to the professor talk about human's ability to express a wide variety of emotions when I felt Harry slowly grab my hand and interlock his fingers with mine. 

As I felt his thumbs rubbing circles on the back of my hand, I was thinking about all the emotions running through my body right now.

My professor was right. Humand can feel a wide variety of emotions. Just in this moment, I was happy, surprised, nervous, and a number of other things I couldn't name. Except for one. In that moment, I knew what this feeling all over my body was. It was tingling in my toes, fluttering in my stomach, and pounding in my head. That feeling, a thing I'd never known until now, was love.

I was in love with him. I'd never been in love before, and I had no clue what was going to come with this feeling. However, I was ecstatic to find out.

Because, I, Hannah Wallier, was in love with Harry Styles.


I was walking home from my night class when I heard a noise, scratch that, it sounded more like..... people, talking.

*People out here talking this late at night?* I thought. Realizing that it sounded like it was coming from an alleyway not too far away from me, I walked closer to get a better idea of what they were saying.

"-got to have him come in more often. He's good with customers, therefore good for business." That man sounded older and  his voice was pretty deep and rough.

Another man spoke up "That's for sure. I'm trying to ger him to work full time, but he's so obsessed with damn school. Paying for his tuition was the only way I could convince him to start coming in at all." He sounded older as well, but he had a british accent.

"Surely, you can do better than that, Styles. He's a grown man, he should want to work for his own father. Try to find some... motivation. Threaten to take something away?"

*Styles?* I thought *Is this Harry's dad? I'll have to mention it next time I see him.*

"Of course I can. He'll just have to learn that what I say goes." 

"Good. Because if he's going to work for us, he's got to be committed. Like the rest of us. Look at Louis here. He's the same age as your son and he works full time, so does Zayn."

"What are you suggesting, Marcus?"

"Oh nothing, nothing at all." This man called 'Marcus' says "Just get him to come in more and we'll all be happy." 

"I'll do the best I can. Goodbye Marcus. Louis. Zayn."

When I heard car doors slam, I realized that a) they were leaving and b) so should I unless I want to caught eavesdropping. I quickly turned around and walked back to the bus stop bench, setting my bag down to make it look like I was looking for something.

I turned my head when I heard engines roar past me. There was an older man sitting in the passenger seat, next to a younger man, probably around his twentys, with brown hair, tan skin, and jaw clenched. There was another younger man in the back, but he had black hair and dark-tan colored flesh.

I guess they were Marcus, Louis and Zayn. The man in the car behind them, however, loked strikingly familiar, with a rounded but sharply pointed jaw and chestnut brown hair with a slight touch of gray to it.

But the one characteristic that pulled it all together was his eyes. I'd know that green hue anywhere. Those were Harry's eyes, therefore that man must be Harry's dad.

Is Harry the man they were talking about? What is the 'business' he's working for?

A bunch of similar questins were swimming through my brain as I walked to my dorm room. One particular thought, however, stuck with me as I fell asleep.

Who exactly was Harry Styles and what had I gotten myself into?


A/N: Loved writing this chapter! Once again, so sorry that it took so long, but updates will probably be this slow or even slower since my freshman year of high school started on Monday, August 25th! 

Comment what you thought about this chapter, predictions for next ones, what you want to see in the future, heck, comment what you had for dinner! I <3 comments, so do whatever,  jusr as long as y'all comment and vote!

Tell me about when you start school(or if you already started)

What grade are you in?

Ask me about my freshman year

Just comment! lol

Well, time to end this author's note because it is currently 12:15 am :)

Don't forget to vote and comment (probably the ten thousandth time I've mentioned that haha)

Goodbye my lovelies!

 - Joni <3

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