Chapter Eight

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A/N: I've decided to skip ahead in the year(in the story that is lol), in the previous chapter it was September and now it is November. Maybe after I end this, I'll do a Halloween chapter? Comment what you think and enjoy!

Hannah's POV

"Yeah. Sure Mom! Alright. See you and Aunt Sara then. Love you. Bye"

It was Mid-November and my mother had just confirmed our plans for Thanksgiving. To be honest, I was really excited to go home, I mean I missed my family, but I was also nervous because I knew I was going to have to tell the two of them about Harry. My mom has technically met him already, but that was before we became.... close friends. I wouldn't say we were dating because.. I mean I don't know. 

Did Harry even like me enugh to consider asking to be his girlfriend? We've only been on one date before. However, we've been hanging out for more than a month. Should I ask him about that? I've never been in a relationship before, but so far it seems like he does.

Shaking off the thoughts clouding my mind, I took out my textbooks and got to working on my homework. Man, college was hard. I have midterms later this week, and my final exams are in a little more than a month. I've been spending so much time with Harry, so I haven't really gotten a chance to really study the material.

I was reading over chapter eight of the ten that we had covered when my phone rang again.

Not looking at the caller ID, I picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" I said, marking my place in the book.

"Hello Hannah." The voice on the other side answered.

"May I ask who is speaking?" I said, while checking the screen for a number, but all it said was UNKNOWN.

"That's not that important right now, sweetie. I just wanted to ask you some questions, that's all." Now I was getting freaked out.

"Tell me who you are or I am hanging up!" I stammer into the phone.

"Now, now, just two little questions and I'll leave you alone."

"Then ask me."

"1. How are you and your mother?" They said into the phone.

"We're fine, now who are you?!?!"

"Uh-uh, not yet. I have just one more question for you......

How's studying going? "

"How did you know I was studying today?"

"I know everything remember?  You should've never left, Hannah." I quickly hung up the phone.

It was after I pressed the end call button when I remembered that voice. But it couldn't be? Not after all these years, it couldn't be him.

I checked the clock, which read 2:38, and suddenly felt very tired. Taking a break from the books, I lay down to take a nap and prayed that my nightmares of the horrid man from childhood didn't come back.


A/N: short chapter, but wanted to update because y'all deserve some bit of a chapter!

Guys,  "Trying to Forget" is almost at 450 reads! Just last month it was at 200,  so I wanted to welcome all the new readers and remind the older ones to comment because I ♥♥♥ reading y'all's reactions.

Don't forget to comment, vote, and share.

Goodbye my lovelies!

-♥ Joni

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