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"Connor? Welcome back! Let me guess, Hank needs his coffee and is too lazy to get it himself today?"
My head snapped up at the sound of Y/n's honey-sweet voice calling out to me. Her e/c orbs sparkled at me like they did every morning, making an oh-so-familiar heat rise to my cheeks as I nodded in her direction.
"Right again, m'lady," I tell her as I step up to the counter separating the two of us. I see a grin dance across her rosy lips as she snickers at my comment. She rolls her eyes at me and whirls around to grab a coffee cup before turning back to look at me with a questioning look. 
"Same as always, correct?" Y/n asks.

"Correct." I chirp in response. Y/n turns back around to what she was previously doing. She fills the cup with steaming hot coffee for Lieutenant Anderson, my partner at the DPD. 

As the h/c haired female fills up the coffee cup and adds a few things in it for flavor, I can't help but admire the girl from behind the counter. She was such a cheerful person, her smile seemed to light up the whole room when she walked in. I liked the way her eyes seemed to smile along with her, that was perhaps my favorite thing about the graceful female. I liked the way a joyful glint seemed to dance around in the light of her e/c orbs whenever the ends of her lips tugged upwards into a grin, it just made me feel all warm and fluttery inside. Everything about her seemed to make my insides squirm, it was almost baffling how breathtaking she was. Besides her eyes, If you asked me what I also liked about her I'd say her hair. It was so flowy and silky soft, It also smelt like a patch of flowers in a meadow. I just wanted to feel my fingertips glide through her h/c locks under the moonlit sky as we both sat in the grass and gazed at the stars. Of course, though, that would never happen. Why? Well because I know I can't express my feelings towards her. I don't know how, after all, I'm not exactly human. I'm an android. 

"Connor? Hello? Earth to Connor." Y/n teased as she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes that gazed longingly off into the distance. I blinked rapidly and I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment. I guess I began staring into outer space as I waited for the Lieutenant's morning coffee. 
"A-Ah! My apologies Y/n, I believe I was just deep in thought." I stutter out, making the female with h/c hair giggle behind her free hand. 
"It's no biggie, Connie. Here, tell Hank I said good morning." Y/n responds as she hands me the coffee cup that's warm to the touch. 
"Oh, thank you, I'll tell him for you." Is all I could say as my mind still tried to wrap around the name that Y/n called me.
"Connie? A nickname given to me by Y/n? Huh." I thought to myself as I take money out of my pocket and hand it over to Y/n, only for her to slide it back over to me on the counter.
"Keep it, it's on the house." Y/n tells me with a playful wink. 
"Er, um, thank you," I mutter in response as I was way too flustered by the wink to respond accordingly. Y/n laughs and pats me on the head before stepping back and scanning me with her eyes. 

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning Connie." The female says as she folds her arms over her chest. I step away from the counter and give her a nod. 

"Indeed," I respond before turning away from the counter and starting over to the door.

"Bye bye~"

I step out of the small cafe and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I hear the door slide shut behind me. My breath makes a cloud in the cool winter morning's air when I exhale. I dig my blue face into the scarf draped around my neck as I began walking over to Lieutenant Anderson's car that's pulled up just a few feet from the cafe. I open the car door on the passenger's side and climb in to greet the smirking Lieutenant who takes the warm coffee cup from my hands. I didn't like the look on his face, it was a familiar look that Lieutenant Anderson used when he was about to tease me about something. While he usually teased me about doing strange things in my attempt to handle my deviant emotions, this time I knew that wasn't the case. 

"Did you have a nice talk with Y/n this mornin'?" Hank asks with a playful smirk. I make a 'tsk' noise and face away from the older man sitting in the car's driver seat. 
"She told me to tell you good morning for her," I respond simply as I reach over and buckle myself in. 
"Why d'ya look so blue in the face?" Hank muses with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't answer the man with the grey strands of hair and I just pull the scarf farther up onto my blushing face. 
"Ya got a thing for her, amirite?" Lieutenant Anderson questions as he punches me lightly in the shoulder. 
"We have a lot of work to do at the department today, Lieutenant. We should get going." I reply in an attempt to dodge the subject. With a laugh, the Lieutenant with a grey beard straightens his posture in his car seat and puts his keys in to start the car. 

To my relief, the car ride to the DPD is not full of the Lieutenant teasing me. Instead, Hank hummed along to the tune of heavy metal songs blasting through his speakers. I liked it when the car rides were quiet on the way to the DPD. As much as I liked talking to the old Lieutenant, I enjoyed just thinking for a while. You might think it'd be hard to think to myself over the sound of loud heavy metal music but if it was Y/n I was thinking about, there isn't one thing that would stop my thoughts from wandering. I wondered what it would be like to see the h/c-nette haired girl tomorrow morning. After all, I was pretty excited to see her. 

Word count: 1072
A/N: Howdy guys! This is my first time writing a complete Connor X Reader that I'm not going to delete later because I dislike where it's going. Is it any good so far? I hope so. The later chapters will be longer in the future (I mean obviously, this is just a prologue after all), and don't be afraid to correct any spelling or grammar mistakes I make. See you in the next chapter!

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