Entry 5: Confusion (10-24-06)

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Dear Notebook Once Again,

This hurts my brain.

I was out late last night, (flipping out obviously).

I was originally at the store before dark was necessarily close, but the place was so busy, I only got out after sunset.

I was panicking and rushing to get into my car.

Now, I obviously know that the vampire is constantly switching locations. One night he'll be in Russia, then he'll be in California. He'll go to France, then end up in Iowa.

I had researched every known location of the murders, and there is literally no pattern whatsoever.

That's not the only confusing thing...

After I devoted all of my time trying to put a stop to this creature, I got a comment on a blog I created for this purpose solely.

I asked for anybody who had seen or could help out on the case with the evil-being that caused terror all around the world.

Well, someone sent a picture.

A legit picture of what they saw a few moments before.

The person who sent it was from Washington D.C. and had managed to take a quick picture of a shadowed figure.

I might have been overjoyed if I hadn't been so involved in this subject.

I had studied every bit of information I could find about vampires.

And, as you know in the 2nd entry, I wrote every single detail about the vampire I had seen. I compared those to the image provided.

I was so freaking aggrivated, I wanted to flip my desk over. I knew that would scatter evidence and my organization, but I had never been so aggitated!

The picture was much different from my memory, and the notes I had so diligently written out as not to forget what I had seen!

You can't tell me there's more than one vampire out there!

It kind of makes sense, but, that causes so much more work and knowledge, and basically, anything I couldn't handle.

I would have to study EACH ONE then! And know everything about EACH ONE!!!!

But when they show up half-way across the world, how in the name of heck would I manage to get EACH ONE?!


I had considered this issue many time before, but websites said vampires were so rare, if not extinct, that there should be no traces of them in the first place.

Clearly they were wrong because they were in fact real, I had seen one, the guy literally got a picture, and every single corpse has a bite in the neck.

I'm not even debating if they're real.

That's ridiculous to travel back, THAT FAR just to determine something so obvious.

Now I was questioning everything...

There could as well be a vampire for every country, state, or even city.

Maybe the one I had seen was just one of 300... 8,000... a billion even!

Taylor hasn't been texting me back, nobody answers my calls, nobody knows where to find her, and people claim that they haven't seen her recently at all.

My family says I need to calm down and stop overthinking everything.

How can I when my girlfriend stopped talking to me, her dad is dead, and all my research is basically useless with the new thoughts of MULTIPLE vampires!

That ruins everything!

It's all screwed up now!

I worked for hours and hours, days nearing weeks, all for the revenge of the death I had witnessed.

Not to mention everyone else who fell victim.

Even a little boy from my cousin's school was killed.

Those filthy creatures murdered a child.

A little boy!!

I don't care how long this takes me, I will complete my studies and I will stop these things.

~Donovan Klehart

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