Chapter 17

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The next week at school passes by quickly, with nothing interesting happening. Unless you count Sebastian being extra nice to Sophie, who is still a little cautious around him. I had failed my French quiz on Tuesday but got an A on my English essay. Sophie and Aidan seemed to be getting a lot closer over the past week too, which was positive for all of us. No Sebastian having his little temper tantrums and they were back on slow speaking terms.

"Char!" I look over my shoulder and see Sebastian running towards me trying to get through the crowd of students.

"What's up?" I ask shoving my books into my backpack, closing the locker.

"Some of the guys are coming over after school, so I'm going to catch a ride with them," he points over his shoulder, Cole, Zach, and Nate.

"Um, okay, whatever," I shrug my backpack on, "See you at the house." We fist bump before parting ways.

I meet Olivia at my car, clicking the alarm for her to get in. I climb into the car and turn on the engine, prompting Olivia to start fiddling with the Bluetooth connecting her phone for the music.

"So, what are we doing this afternoon? I know you said something about Maddie and the park," Olivia asks as she switches Happiness by NeedToBreathe, which is our favorite song right now.

"Maddie wanted to go to that new playground down on Hill Street, they have a skate park there too so Tessa said she wants to come with some of her soccer friends. We'll take Tessa with us and her friends will meet her there," I fill her in, looking out the window for Tess and Sophie. Sophie wanders away from her friends slowly heading towards the car as I see Tessa sprinting across the lot dodging cars to get to mine.

"Hey," Sophie slides into the backseat leaving the door open for Tess. Tessa slides in a few seconds later slamming the door shut.

"So, skate park?" Tessa asks leaning in between the front seats.

"Yup, just need to pick up Maddie and the skateboards at the house. Soph, you want to come with?" I ask looking in my rearview mirror as I join the afterschool traffic.

Sophie laughs lightly, "No thanks, I'm good."

"So, how is Aidan?" Olivia turns in her seat and smirks at Sophie who immediately starts blushing facing the window.

"He's fine," she shrugs disinterestedly.

"Damn right he is," Olivia cackles nudging Sophie's leg, "Come on girl, give us some details! Do you think it's going to go anywhere?"

"Why are you so obsessed with my relationship?" Sophie asks suspiciously.

"Because I set the whole damn thing up, I need to take credit where credit is due!" Olivia exclaims, I roll my eyes. Tessa laughs shoving random pieces of paper that had gotten loose from her folder back into her bag.

"I'm pretty sure it was a group effort, all you did was talk to Aidan," I raise my eyebrow silently demanding my credit for this relationship.

"And did that or did that not set the whole thing in motion?" She asks expectedly.

"I'm the one that told you to talk to him!" I retort in disbelief.

"God not everything is about you Charlotte, geez," Olivia rolls her eyes leaning back in her seat putting her hand behind her so that Tessa, who, at this point, cannot contain her laughter anymore, can give her a high five.

I scoff and continue down the street until we get to our block, pulling into my driveway I drive up the slight hill towards the house. Tessa barely lets me put the car in park before she's jumping out of the car shouting about changing into something else. I get out of the car watching as Nate parks next to me and all the boys slowly get out of the car. Olivia walks around the car to talk to Sebastian as we were walking into the house. I overhear Sebastian agreeing to whatever she just said, I whip my head to Olivia and narrow my eyes at her. She better not have invited them along with us.

Maddie runs into the room in cute shorts and a white top, perched on her head is a flower crown from one of the fairy outfits she owns.

"You look adorable," Sophie says picking up Maddie and squishing their cheeks together. Maddie giggled a 'thank you' slowly starting to wriggle silently asking to be put down. She's getting so big. She wandered over to Sebastian looking at Nathan with a big smile on her face. Nathan smiled back at her. Her little cheeks blushed and I narrowed my eyes at Nathan. Looks like someone has a crush on Nathan, a good choice if I'm being honest, been there girl. Sebastian seemed to notice it too and he picked up Maddie keeping her close to him. Tessa walks back out of the house after just changing into some stretchy sweatpants.

"So, what are you girls doing now?" Sebastian asks turning Maddie away from Nathan. I laugh under my breath. Tessa and I both start rapidly motioning to Maddie not to tell them where we're going.

"To the new playground on Hill Street," Maddie announces. Damn.

"The place with the new skate park section? That sounds awesome," he turns towards his friends, "Do you guys want to check it out?" They all shrug and nod in agreement. I look at Tessa and she lets out a defeated sigh. Seriously? Can I not get one afternoon without having to deal with these people? I feel like I say this too much.

"Can Nathan ride in our car?" Maddie asks me and I scramble for a reason to say no. I open my mouth but she cuts me off, "Since there will be five people in the boys' car but only three since Soapy isn't coming with us," she finishes with a smile. Evil genius. I'm kind of proud, to be honest.

"Why can't I ride with you girls?" Sebastian looks at Maddie, who is still in his arms, with a hurt expression on his face.

"Because you're annoying," Tessa walks over to the coat closet pulling out her skateboard and gliding it across the floor towards me as she pulls out two more. "You guys going to skate?" she asks looking at Olivia and me. I shake my head slightly.

"I'm going to tell Ellie that you're leaving so she's good to go for the rest of the day, cool?" Sophie asks walking further into the house. I nod my head giving her thumbs up. A few minutes later Ellie walks into the foyer and immediately swarms us with hugs and kisses.

"Hi Ellie," I hug her tightly kissing her cheek. She pats my cheek softly before moving onto Sebastian who accepts her hug even though he's still holding Maddie, who gets crushed in between them, making her giggle loudly.

"Sebastian, stop hogging Ellie!" Olivia shoves him aside and smiles widely at Ellie.

"Hello all my lovelies, Cole nice to see you again," she smiles in an almost fake way at Cole, and something seems off with the way she singled him out completely. "I'm leaving now but I will see you all tomorrow, yes?" We all nod our heads in agreement. She blows us all a kiss and walks over to her car; leaving the driveway a few seconds later.

"You guys still have a nanny?" Zach cackles loudly. No one laughs with him.

"Ellie isn't really a nanny, she's more family at this point," Sebastian looks over at Zach gently putting her back on the ground. Tessa and Olivia nod in agreement. Ellie was there for all of us growing up and she deserves to be treated as a family member with the amount of love she has for us and vice versa.

"She's been with our family since our older brother Harry was two, so it's hard to consider her as an employee," I shrug looking at Nathan who smiles with an understanding nod.

"So, can Nathan ride in our car then?" Maddie asks walking over to Nathan and grabbing his hand gently pulling him outside to my car. He laughs lightly letting her pull him along. We all follow slowly.

"You're seven years old! Boys are not supposed to be on your mind at all! You're supposed to worry about math and spelling and shit," Sebastian argues putting his hands in his hair and groaning loudly.

"Shit is not a good word!" Maddie yells back climbing into my car, buckling herself in, and staring at us waiting for us to start moving. Olivia and I giggle as we jump into the car with Nathan in the backseat squished between Tessa and Maddie. I turn on my Disney playlist specifically for when I have Maddie in the car. Oh, this is gonna be good.

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Hey Everyone! WOW, 8000 reads?!? You guys are seriously incredible! Thank you so much!

I hope you all had an awesome weekend! I managed to write 3 more chapters this weekend and can I just say... Drama is on its way!


Sammipott xx

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