Chapter One

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"So that's Hogwarts," Annabeth said breathlessly. "Never thought you'd get to see it in person, huh?" Percy asked jokingly. "No... it's amazing! The architecture is incredible! Outdated, but incredible. With a few adjustments and improvements, I'm sure I could-" Percy laughed. "I'm sure you could, Wise Girl." He looked out the train window and sighed. "It does look pretty amazing. I just can't believe we have to stay for a year." Annabeth nodded. "Yeah... it'll be fun, though. And there are always the holidays. It's just like boarding school, but way more interesting, way more dangerous, and way harder to get expelled from." Percy gave her a crooked grin. Just then, the compartment doors slid open, and in walked the rest of the crew. Grover came in first, arms full of food and candy, even what appeared to be live chocolate frogs. Behind him trailed Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel, who seemed to be trying to explain magic to all of them. "...yeah, and you can manipulate the mist to create an effect referred to as 'magic'. Natural born wizards are usually either legacies, children of Hecate, or her favored people. Any demigod can learn magic, though, and even some mortals can." Frank nodded slowly. "I see. So... we're going to learn to manipulate the Mist, but instead of learning the way you did, we'll have wands and words to channel the Mist. Right?" The last bit sounded unsure. "Right," Hazel echoed. "I see you guys finally changed into your robes," Annabeth noted. Piper sighed. "Well, it took us longer because we got lost. Twice." She shot a glare at Leo and Grover. Grover seemed not to notice, and Leo just shrugged and fiddled with a few gears he had seemingly pulled out of nowhere. "Dude, you're still wearing the tool belt?" Jason asked. "Why wouldn't I be wearing the tool belt? It could come in handy- Piper may need some vegetarian tacos, stat, at any moment. Or you may need a breath mint... whew, your breath stinks." He made a fake gagging sound and pinched his nose. Jason rolled his eyes. A voice blared over the speaker system. "Students prepare to exit the train, we've almost arrived at Hogwarts.

A/N:  Helloooo! Ok, so I know sorting characters is always a bit controversial (COUGH PERCY COUGH) but I saw a theory a while back that said that you are sorted into the House with the traits you value in yourself, not necessarily your most dominant trait or your personality overall. I based it off of this theory, and if anyone is confused as to why I chose each house, I can explain them all [because I took a while to think it all out, it wasn't at random at all]. Thanks for reading!!! ~Ally

"This year we have a bit of a change," the woman at the front of the room, who they later learned to be Professor McGonagall, announced. "There will be 8 new students joining the 7th years, and they will be sorted before the first years. I expect that all of you, especially you 7th years, will welcome them into your houses with open arms, and be sure to show them around. They may not be used to moving staircases and talking portraits." There was a bit of laughter from some of the older kids seated at the tables. "Wait," Leo asked in a hushed voice. "Is she serious?" Annabeth whispered back, "Yes, of course. Speaking of which, oh my gods, I can not wait to check out the architectural design for the stairca-" A voice boomed over hers. "Chase, Annabeth!" She walked up confidently to the sorting hat. It was placed on her head, and only a few seconds later, called out, "Ravenclaw!" There were some cheers from the students clad in blue ties and robes, and she walked over to join them. "Grace, Jason!" He looked up, startled, and quickly headed to the sorting hat and set it on his head. "Hufflepuff!" it bellowed. Then, after a pause, it yelled again. "Jackson, Percy!" Percy high-fived Jason as he passed by on his way to join the Hufflepuffs. When he put the hat on, it immediately went silent. A few minutes later, everyone seemed impatient and curious. Whispers about a 'hatstall' echoed throughout the dining hall. Even minutes after that, the hat still remained silent, until it finally burst out, "Hufflepuff!" Several people gasped, and even more laughed. The Hufflepuffs, however, cheered louder than any of the other houses had previously. Percy smiled and ran to join them. "Hey Jason, fancy meeting you here." The hall quieted after a minute, and the sorting hat called out the next name. "Levesque, Hazel!" Once Hazel put the hat on, it only took a few moments to decide. "Ravenclaw! McLean, Piper!" Piper jogged up to the sorting hat and put it on. A minute later, it shouted its decision. "Gryffindor!" She smiled and went to join the other Gryffindors. "Underwood, Grover." Grover awkwardly made his way to the sorting hat, and it only took a few seconds. "Hufflepuff!" He bleated happily and ran to meet up with Percy and Jason. "Valdez, Leo!" Leo practically bounced to the sorting hat. There was only the slightest bit of hesitation from the sorting hat before it confidently announced his house. "Slytherin!" A few people, namely Jason, Piper, and Percy, gasped loudly. They recovered quickly and began cheering encouragingly. Annabeth only laughed, and gave a thumbs up. "Zhang, Frank!" Frank clumsily made his was to the sorting hat. "Gryffindor!" He sat by Piper with the other Gryffindors and looked around at his friends, scattered through the dining hall, all at different tables. This was going to be an interesting year.

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