Part 1: A prison of isolation/a king without a crown

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 Chapter 1

The prison was white and cold. The only thing that wasn't white was the dead trees that look somewhat live. They were dark brown, with dark black lines going up and down like strips. The prison was made for Emma White. The prison was in isolation, with only four things in its prison. There was dead trees, snow and lots of it, a frozen lake, and Emma.

The prison was too cold for any other plants or animals because there was no sun or heat in the prison. Emma was completely and utterly alone. She had gotten used to being alone, being locked up didn't bother her, for the first 347 years, but just recently she had a sudden feeling, the only feeling that she ever had, the feeling of never escaping and always be trapped, alone in a prison that was meant for her.

She had done nothing wrong, she was kind, nice, skillful, but not a criminal. The only crime she had commit was being born with an animal of the owl. The owl gave the gift of flight, good sight, and a brain that was smarter than most predators. The special power for her was the power of winter.

After all, that was why it banned from her only home on the planet of Domix. A planet filled with predators, a species of Nymphs, that were born with an animal that they were born to protect. Predators were of monsters, not human. They looked like humans, but they weren't humans. Every predator had a special power or powers that would help them protect the animals that they are guardians of. They also had the power to communicate, change, create, and use specials skills of their animals. Predator can die but don't age after a certain age when their powers fully come in. Most Predators powers start coming in at seven, but the oldest predators in physicals appearance were 29

The winter woods the place Emma called her prison, which had been her home for 340 years of life, was the same cloudy, snowy, no other life except hers, and no way out. Emma grew up eating snow the only food their in the winter woods. The snow came falling out the sky like usually did, every day for 24 hours a day. Emma woke up to snow falling out of the sky hitting the ground she laying on, and hitting her pale white skin. Her hair was in a mass of long wave light blond hair that looked white, it went down five inches past her shoulders. Emma had learned to make objects that she had seen when she was out of the prison when she was seven and younger. She managed to make scissors with ice and made clothes with snow. Emma's feet were bare. The cold felt warm to Emma, her heart was as cold as winter, that's what king Diversion of Domix said to her before the guards knock her out and put her in the prison.

Emma had woke, by the frozen lake that every day tried to break, but the ice was like unbreakable glass, not even a dent where she had spent about 1/7 of her life in the prison trying to break the ice, possibly to break free.

Emma looked at the frozen lake, she saw her pale white skin, her light blue frozen colored eyes with the faded black pupil, She saw her hair fall in front of the face. Emma was wearing a short-sleeved white dress that went above her knees. Her skin was out in the open wind and bitter coldness of the winter woods. But to Emma that was normal.

Today would be a new day. A day she thought that thing would change. A day that she can finally see grass, live trees, and live animals pouring on the earth again. The prison was truly making Emma go insane with false hope.

She needs to let go. The girl in the reflection of the frozen lake was hopeful, and that needed to go. She needed to be the girl to use her powers and escape from this prison cell, but she knew deep down that she would never be brave enough to use the powers that she had in this prison to escape.

Emma had lost all her powers of flight, sight, intelligence, to change, and control and speak to owls, the animals she was supposed to protect.

Emma wanted to escape and she might not escape today, tomorrow, or for many years but one day she will escape even if she does fully become a monster.

Even if she becomes what the guard said before she was knocked out, that she was the villain, the enemy of Domix. She was truly a cold demon.

"You're cold to the touch." the man said. The flashback came to Emma mind, so vivid it felt real as if it had happened yesterday. But it happens many yesterdays.

At the palace; a current time

Prince Jonathan woke up, his a bedroom or dark red velvet like he did every morning. He saw servants in his room, preparing a breakfast fit for a king, and preparing his clothes he would wear today.

The head maid Mrs.Violet put his royal robes on him to cover his black boxers briefs. Jonathan looked out of his bedroom window, to see a lake of dark murky blue.

"Mrs.Violet," Jonathan said, looking at the capital city, closest town, city, or land where Guardians live, which was further north than the lake. " Why can't anyone swim in lake Evergreen, after all, weren't they the first predator that was created? Jonathan turned to a servant who had his clothes ready for him. Jonathan nodded and took the clothes and went into the bathroom to change, while still listening for a response from Mrs. Violet.

But Mrs. Violet didn't respond.

After Jonathan changed into black leather pants and a black short-sleeved shirt, with black boots that went up past his knees, he walked out of the bathroom to ask Mrs.Violet again. Jonathan always asked Mrs.Violet the same question each and every morning.

"Please Violet, tell me," Jonathan said and looked at Mrs.Violet who had some wrinkles and piece of light grey strips in her dark black hair.

"I am sorry but I-"

" I will set you free," Jonathan yelled, he wanted to know and this time he was going to get an answer.

"Prison for guardians who are criminals, some of them had been locked up since the beginning of the world. That is what is in the lake; prison sells." Mrs.Violets said and put her head down.

"Don't tell you're fathers I told you that," she said and walk out of the room walking almost to a run.

"I won't," Jonathan said and looked out the window at the lake again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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