Chapter Six: Jealousy and House Hunting

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(Y/F/P) - Your Favorite Pasta

"Can I be honest with you?" I peek at Tom who is wringing his hands as I pull out of the last condo we looked at, "I didn't like either of those we looked at today."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that." I groan, "Why is this so hard?" I turn the corner and drive into town. "I think we need food, then we can just, I don't know, Google any open houses that are going on today and hope for the best?"

"That would be fine," Tom pulls out his phone and starts looking for somewhere for the two of us to eat. He sighs, "What do you want, (Y/N)?"

"I'm up for whatever, you pick."

"Italian?" He looks up from his phone and makes a funny face of uncertainty.

"I'm cool with that, I could go for pasta."

He types in his phone and eventually points me in the right direction of the restaurant. It's small, but cozy. We walk in and he places a hand on the small of my back while he scrolls through his phone.

I sigh and peek at him, Tom is dressed in a plain burgundy t-shirt with a gray pocket, blue jeans, and black sneakers. His hair isn't styled in any sort of way, the way he had put it this morning was that he just didn't feel like trying other than what he needed to.

The waitress walks over and her eyes perk up as she spots us. "Welcome, welcome, welcome! Just the two of you?" She smiles at us but I can see her giving Tom a once over.

"Yup, just us." I smile. She glances at me and gestures us to follow her. She shows us a table by the window and tells us, "Your waitress will be right with you!" She practically skips away and grabs a girl that was already heading our way.

"How much do you wanna bet they will want your picture?" I ask from behind my menu.

"(Y/N)!" Tom laughs quietly, "You'd probably win, so I am not going to bet against you."

"No friendly competition, love?" I smile at him with my eyes over the menu.

He smiles back at me, "Alright, darling, if I win what would I get?" Before I can give him a witty comment, our waitress comes around the corner.

"Hi, you two! I'm Jackie, have you eaten with us before?"

"No, this would be our first time." Tom says with a smile.

I see her smile twitch and grow slightly bigger. "Well, you are in for a treat! We are famous for our pastas! Can I get you two anything to drink?" She keeps looking at Tom, but he gestures toward me. Her eyes fall on me and I can see her annoyance cross her features.

"Uh, strawberry lemonade?" She scribbles it on her pad before looking at Tom basically with heart eyes.

"That sounds wonderful, I'll have that as well." She smiles and walks away. I make a face and go back to looking at the menu. "Find anything that looks good, darling?"

"I think I'll go with (Y/F/P)." I close the menu and lay it back down on the table, "What about you?"

"I'm thinking of the ravioli, just sounds good." He closes his also and sets it on top. When the waitress comes back I notice she unbuttoned her blouse two extra buttons, her bra poking out slightly. I almost laugh, but instead I place my hand on top of Tom's who smiles at me when I do.

"Here you two go!" She leans slightly closer to the table and I notice Tom leans slightly away when she does. I smile slightly and she looks almost hurt. "Do you know what you want or do you need more time."

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