Chapter Eight: Moving-In

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"Today is going to kill me." I groan in bed, an arm placed over my eyes.

Tom's arm is suddenly thrown across my stomach causing me to flinch and groan louder. "We are officially moving everything in." He murmurs into my side.

"And we are getting our furniture, and both of our families will be there." I move my arm from over my face and let it lay across his back.

"I mean, I don't think it'll be bad. Just stressful and long. We can order pizza afterward." I nod and look at him, he gives me a huge, cheeky grin making me smile right back. "Plus, my family isn't staying as long as we expected so that should make it less stressful."

"I feel bad that they can't stay longer-"

"Don't be, my dad has a show up north so they will just have to come back and visit." He says, laying his head back onto his pillow releasing me from his grasp.

"I just wish they could have stayed longer, I know it's been awhile since you've seen them."

"That's what video-chat is for, darling." He sighs.

I stretch my arms and yawn, "Okay, let's get out of bed." I roll over so I can stand easier, "We have to pack the rest of my shit into my mom's car and mine then take it to the condo." I sit up and feel the tank top strap fall, Tom's hand pushes it back up onto my shoulder. I sigh and stand, turning to look at him. "C'mon, let's go, Thomas."

He immediately covers his head in my pillow making me laugh. I grab his ankle and slowly pull him from the bed causing him to let out a long whine. Finally after tugging a few more times he mutters, "I'll be up in a few minutes, give me some quiet time."

"Okay, if you aren't up in fifteen I will come back with ice." He groans as I walk out into the kitchen. I smile at my dad making sausages and mom making pancakes. "Smells good, guys."

"Figured we all should get fed then we can head over to the house." My mom hums. I smile and go hug my dad from behind. He lets out a huff as I squeeze the air out of him. I smile and grab food before going back to my room, passing Tom in the hallway so I can change for the day. When we all finish eating and change, Tom and I help my family move my boxes into the cars.

"I think that was the last box," Tom sighs next to me.

"Did you grab your suitcase?" I give him a side glance as I watch his lips form into a hard line.

"That could have been bad." He murmurs as he jogs past me back into the house. I giggle and shut my trunk, stretching my arms over my head. Tom returns and places his suitcase into my backseat. He walks back over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Ready to go?"

I nod into his shoulder and pull back to look at him, he smiles at me before giving me one final squeeze and opens my car door for me. "Off we go." I murmur as he shuts the door for me.

The next few hours are filled with talking to the moving guys who brought the furniture that we bought, and the other moving guys who brought Tom's personal belongings. It was hectic, I wanted nothing more than it to run smoothly but that obviously didn't happen. At least Tom and Haz helped lighten the mood by joking around.

By three in the afternoon the boys were upstairs and my mom, Emily, and I were on the first floor setting up the living room, dining room, and kitchen. My mom was taking tags off of our cookery and Emily and I had moved the couch a few feet so we could place the rug down.

"(Y/N), a car just pulled up in the driveway. What time were Tom's family supposed to be here?" My mom calls from the kitchen.

"Tom!" I call, hearing a faint 'what' from the bedroom he had claimed as 'his'. "What time were your family supposed to fly in?" I hear a dog bark from outside causing me to leave my spot in the living room to run to the door. I open it just as knuckles brush the wood. In front of me are Tom's family, and I could not be more nervous. "Hi! Come in, come in!"

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