1 Tour life

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(First week of tour)

Chris pov- This week has really been hard on me. Don't get me wrong I love performing it's just I don't really get to see my friends that much and plus I miss my family. I guess I have to get used to it I mean, I am doing what I love. I just wish I could get more me time, but hey I can't complain.
(An hour later)
"Chris your on in 30" "ok" I guess I should probably get ready. I don't really have to do any thing just get dressed but my boots on and my hat. I should have some time just to chill. I will just say on my couch and watch my tv till my manager comes back. I guess I kinda fell asleep cuz the next thing I know is some one yelling at me "what ,WHERS THE FIRE!!" "Chris it's Steve Ur on in 5 why are u asleep?" "Sorry dude I'm just really tired now from all the shows " "i know what you mean but get Ur lazy ass up we got a show to do." "wow ok I didn't know my ass could be lazy but I'm up now" I chuckled and he hit my arm.
(After the show )

Wow what a crazy show I'm just glad I can go back to my bus and sleep. I started walking to my bus when my manager came up to me I let a sigh. Knowing him ,he's only gonna say we have to perform again or I have to do some interview or something that I don't want to do right now."Hey Chis where u headed" "umm to my bus to sleep, where else" " yea sure u are. Now go change and meet me at the meet and greets in 10 mins" I sighed really loud so he would at least get the hint that I just wanted to relax with the boys tonight. It was only 11 so I guess I can't really complain I do stay up to 3 or so. I was snap backed to reality when he gently put his hand on my shoulder "Chris I know that this is Ur first tour and hopefully not Ur last , but your just going to have to deal with the fact that you might be doing this every night . I promise that it gets easer with time man" I let out a chuckle and a half smile "I guess you are right I mean you are a lot and I mean a lot older than me " I started laughing a little to much "hahahhaah now get Ur ass in the shower cuz I don't want complaints from the fans about your stench" he just chucked be I knew I was pretty sweaty and it was gross "ok man I'll be there in 5" "Ok Chris see You then and remember their is going to be a lot of girls I mean a lot so don't get any Ideas" I just laughed at the thought of him tell me that . " Yea I know " I just walked in after I told him that. I took the fastest shower in a long time. "still have 3 mins " I mumbled under my breath so no one would hear. Hey I love my fans but some time I just wanna rest. " well her goes nothing" I kinda yelled at the boys as they were just sitting on the couch as I jumped out of the bus. I started to make my way to the meet and greets. It was about 11:30 so i was making good time as we had gone through about a third of people. I love doing this. Where I can just kinda hang with my fans and not really try to perform for them. We were almost done with every one we only had out 5 people left I was really tired until I saw her ,and man my heart just fell to my stomach when she walked closer.

(A/N I hope y'all really like it so far I wanted this chapter to be about Chris and not to many people. but who do u think is he talking about and I'll try to be more focused on where major points are in this story. love y'all and hope y'all are enjoying this and much as I
am. oh and ps I am writing on my phone so don't go crazy with the mistakes I try to fix all I can)

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