chapter 1

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(Carly's P.O.V)

It's the first day of school and I am already excited. I finally get to see my friends after a summer that seemed to last for ever. As I got out of the car I looked around. Trying to find my best friend‚ Lilly. It seemed like o hadn't seen her at all that summer. When truly we had hung out many times through out the 3 months had for summer break. I finally found her standing by the flag pole where she was talking to my other friend Kiley. I ran over to the flag pole where they were standing. We all screamed in excitement. We could finally all hang together as a group like we had done for many years before. As we all walked into the building we talked about what we had done over summer break. "I rode my. horses all summer." "I also won five competition's this year." said a very proud Kiley. Of course me and lilly already knew what the other had did this summer but we still told what we had done all summer since Kiley had no idea of what we did. " Me and Lilly mainly just hung out all summer." I said mainly trying to tell Kiley. We soon came to the front door of the school and I held it open so that Lilly and Kiley could enter the building first. They walked in and I followed. That's when I saw HIM....


ha ha ha cliff hanger I guess you will have to keep reading to find out who he is.

leave comments and let me know what you think.

( Hugs and purple apples )


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