The Silent Story

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I walked out of the house with my black bag on my back. Today I wasn't wearing anything special, just a white tank top and some black skinny jeans. I brushed my long white hair to the side of my face because it was s bugging me.

After a butt load of walking I finally made it to school. I looked up at the sign at the gate, it said: Ouran Academy. I was accepted here as a honor student. I was told another girl was accepted here too. I wants interested in that though.

I didn't even want to go to high school but my Aunt forced me. She has been taking care of me a lot lately. She wasn't a nice person at all but she got on my nerves all the time.

I walked inside the gates and looked at the paper I was gripping in my hands. I looked at it and found the room number I was in. I didn't bother asking anyone for help since I didn't really talk much.

I just don't understand why you should talk to anyone. I mean, why would I want to cling my emotions on to anyone else? I can handle things like that on my own.

I walked into the classroom. I was the first one there. I looked around and finally found a seat. I went to the back corner of the room with a desk right next to the window. I pulled out my sketchbook and started to draw.

I got into drawing when I was in middle school. About the same time when I stopped talking. I glanced over my sketchbook a couple of times to see people walking in. They didn't seem too interesting. But what I didn't get is how all the girls at this academy can wear hideous yellow dresses all the time. I mean, if I wore something like that I would want to punch someone.

I then looked back at my sketch and worked on it some more.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder so I looked around. I saw a girl with short hair look at me.

"That's a pretty drawing you have there." She said. I just smiled at her and turned back to my drawing.

"Hey Haruhi who is she?" I heard some boys ask in unison behind me.

They sounded very annoying.

"Well, I don't know. But I was just looking at her drawing." She said. Then I felt people hovering over me.

"Wow, that drawing is amazing." They said in unison again. I just ignored them.

"Hey, can you hear us?" They asked.

"Maybe she just wants you to leave her alone." The girl who I assumed was Haruhi said.

I instantly liked her. It was like she had amazing mind reading powers.

After that I felt the hovering stop. It was a good thing they stopped. I felt ready to hurt them. Soon after that I heard the teacher take attendance.

"Tactica Hemmison." The teacher said. I just simply raised my hand. After that I went back to drawing. I didn't know what to draw so I drew the first thing that came to mind.

The Haruhi chick stemmed pretty nice. Maybe I could draw her something for getting my out of the situation with the two from before. I didn't even know their names and what they looked like and I already hated them.

I started to draw the outline of Haruhi's face. Then I drew her hair and then moved on to her facial features. After I put the final touches on the bell for lunch rang.

Before she could get away, I tapped Haruhi on the shoulder. She turned around and looked at me.

"Oh, hi there!" She said. "So your name is Tactica?" She asked.

I nodded my head. I then held up the drawing I made for her. Her face lit up as soon as she saw it.

"Is this for me?" She asked. I nodded.

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