Chapter 7

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I ran across the courtyard with my white dress flowing behind me. The kite in my hands was sliding across the ground.

No matter how hard I ran, the kite just wouldn't fly up into the clouds. I ran over to mom and dad.

"Mommy, Daddy, my kite won't fly like you said it would!" I whined, tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh sweetie, this is nothing to cry about." Mom said as she bent down and hugged me.

"But I have been trying my bestest mommy, and it still won't fly." I said as I looked up in her eyes.

"I'm sure it will work sweetie, these things take time." Mom replied to me while she was stroking my short white hair.

"But why won't it fly now?" I whimpered.

"Sweetie, something you. Might not always get what you want. Things might not always go your way. But you have to keep trying, because sometime later, things will be better." Mom said to me.

"That's right, things might not always go your way, but in someway you don't realize it, but, it helps you in a even better way." Dad said to me.

"Okay, I'll go do it again and it will work again!" I shouted, wiping the tears off my face. Mom and Dad laughed as I picked up my kite again and started to run off.


I was running around our mansion, playing chase with Hibiki, my older brother.

"I'm gonna get you big brother!" I yelled at him.

"I bet you can't!" He yelled back, giggling at me. We ran through the mansion, down the many twists and turns. I was about to get him when I tripped.

I started to cry.

"Oh!" Hibiki said as he turned around. He then ran over to me.

"Oh, look at your knee." He said to me. I looked down and looked at my knee. I saw red stuff coming out.

"B-Big brother, why does the red stuff hurt so much?" I asked him, sniffling.

"Well, usually when you see the red stuff, it means something bad is happening." Hibiki replied. I started to get very scared.

"B-But don't worry! We can fix it so it won't hurt anymore!" He said to me.

"O-okay." I said to him. He helped me up and went to clean the red stuff off.


"Mommy, can you sing me a song?" I asked Mom as she was walking out of my big bedroom after she tucked me in. "Sure." She said to me. She then sat on the edge of my bed and cleared her throat.

"When I was a young boy,

my father took me into the city,

to see a marching band.

he said, 'Son when you grow up,

would you be the savior of the broken,

the beaten and the damned.'

He said, 'Will you defeat them,

your demons? And all the non-believers

the plans that they have made.'

'Because one day, I'll leave you,

a phantom to lead you in the summer,

to join the Black Parade.'"

"Mommy?" I asked her.

"Yes dear?" She asked me.

"What's a black parade?" I asked her.

"Well, how do I explain this," She started to say.

"It's a place where everyone goes someday. It's a place where people who aren't in this world anymore go." I started to feel scared.

"Mommy, do we all have to go?" I asked her.

"Eventually, we all do." She told me, stoking my cheek.

"So someday, you have to leave to go to the black parade right?" I asked her.

"Eventually." She said to me.

"But I don't want you to leave! That would make everyone sad mommy!" I said to her.

"I know, but it won't happen for a very long time." She told me.

"Oh, okay. Then we will all just have to be very happy before you go!" I said to her. She giggled.

"Of course, goodnight sweetie." She said to me. "

"Goodnight mommy, see you tomorrow!" I said to her.


I shot up from my bed, I just had a nightmare about my family going to the black parade. From the story Mom told me about a couple weeks ago.

I pulled the blankets off of me and I tip-toed across the hall to Mommy and Daddy's room.

As I reached there door, I saw it was open already. I walked inside and saw the red stuff. It was really bad!

"Mommy, Daddy!" I screamed. I ran over to them. I shook Daddy, making him wake up. I then ran over to mommy.

"Mommy! Wake up!" I screamed. I saw Mommy open her eyes.

"Oh, sweetie. Your okay." She said to me.

"Mommy! That bad red stuff is all over you!" I said to her.

"Sweetie, it's time for us to go." She said to me.

"Go where Mommy?!" I asked her, tears running down my face.

"The Black Parade." She said to me. I gasped.

"No Mommy! You can't go there!" I yelled to her.

"It's time for me to go. Daddy's going to go to. But remember, we all love you very much." Mommy said to me, tears in her cheeks too.

"No mommy, don't leave!" I yelled.

"We love you, our precious May flower." She then closed her eyes. "

Mommy!" I screamed. She didn't answer me.

"Mommy!" I screamed. Maybe big brother knew what to do. I ran out of the room and ran into big brother's room.

I swung the door open and I saw....I saw... that Hibiki went with Mommy and Daddy to the Black Parade. They left me here all alone.

"No!" I screamed as loud as I could.

"Don't leave me here! I want to go to the Black Parade with you!" I then got a idea. Maybe if I had the bad red stuff all over me, I could go with them.

I ran downstairs into the kitchen. I opened the cabinet that the chefs in the mansion never told me to touch. I grabbed the sharp thing out of the cabinet. I looked at it for a couple seconds.

"I'm coming Mom, Dad, Hibiki! I'm going to the black parade with you guys!" I screamed.

I held up the sharp thing to my neck. That's when people stormed into the kitchen, guns in their hands.

One of the people knocked the sharp thing out of my hands.

I sank to the floor. I was left here alone.

They had left to go see the parade without me.

What now?

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