{1#} remind me again why im here

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Aidens POV
remind me again why I'm here. Oh right I came here to live life to its fullest as my great friend ethan Dolan would describe it.Trust me when I say I'm NOT complaining cause honestly I think I'm just on the verge of dancing my self out of my shoes.
"Yo aiden wanna get a drink"Grayson asked with a challenging smirk
"Dude I honestly hate you sometimes" I laughed before the lot of us made our way over to the bar
"What can I get for you gentleman" the bartender asked before noticing my presence
"And for the pretty little thing down there" he now added with a smirk 😏
The twins gave him the evil eye, I decided to piss them off even more by doing a thought drop and running my leg up my thigh.the bartender bit his lip and just before he could speak Ethan interjected
"2 beers and what do you want aiden" he asked clearly annoyed
"Well unlike you shrimps Ima get a double shot of crown my dude" I replied with a wink to the bartender.
{Time skip}
{about 9 shots later}
"GOD DAMIT GRAYSON" I shouted at him before downing my last shot before they cut me off he just laughed even thought I had drank more it was clear that he was a light weight ethan left I assume he is making out with some blonde girl in the "couples corner". A sudden felling hit me I unfortunately knew this feeling all to well.I've been drugged sh*t. I suddenly felt hit breath on the back of my neck
"Hey pretty little thing wanna come to my place we can have some more fun there" he hissed while squeezing my thighs really hard honestly I'm not going to be surprised if he leaves a whole bunch of smaller bruises.He started to drag me out of the club with a firm hand around my wrist yeah another bruise.
(Hint the sarcasm)
"Yo get the hell off me" I screeched while trying to pull my hand away, luckily I got away and ran I got quite far down the street when I say two guys I ran over to them.
??????? POV
my friend and I were just walking down the street to her to were we parked our car earlier before we went to explore yet another abandoned insane asylum.while we were walking a girl ran up to us terror not missable when looking into her very beautiful yet very blue eyes
"Listen I know you don't know me but please help me and tell him your my best friend or something" she spoke quickly and quietly
"Wait wha.." was all my friend Sam could Manage to say before a guy walked up to us
"Hey sorry to break it to you guys but that's my girl and she coming with me tonight" a guy with clearly no good intentions said to us before trying to grab the girl who now looked like she could barely stay awake at the current moment.
"Hell no man back off my best friends girl" I said pulling her closer to me in a protective Manner
"Oh really your "friends girl" well where is this friend cause I don't see him anywhere and finders keepers losers weepers" he smirked before once agin trying to grab her. She now looked like she was fighting to keep her eyes open.i stepped back but kinda panicked but thankfully Sam broke in
" Actually that's my girl , you got a problem with that" he said before taking the poor girl into his arms and picking her up bridle style to carry her to our car and well doing just that
" YO MAN GET OFF MY GIRL" the guy said before he swung and hit my straight in the jaw, and let me tell you that hurt like a buttcheak on a stick. I then swung at him this ended in a nasty fight and it only ended when sam came back and grabbed me while another guy went and grabbed that son of a b*tch
"YOU LAY ONE HAND ON HER EVER AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WONT LIVE TO SEE THE NEXT DAY" I spat at him before taking off. When Sam and I finally got to the truck he spoke up
"Dude that was a intense fight over a girl we don't even know" he spoke sounding a little scared of my answer
"I wouldn't do that most the time but did you see how we found her she was practically begging me to help her and she looked actually terrified, not to mention how that guy was acting when we were just talking it's clear what was gonna happen if we would have let her go" I spoke quickly but tiredly, at that moment I realized there is still a unconscious girl in the back of our car
"We can't just leave her in the streets" Sam said while looking at her sympathetically
" She can take my bed I'll sleep on the chair in my room so when she wakes up she doesn't think that creep take her" I replied before I started driving back to the house. Once we arrived I carried her bridle style into the house and up to my room before I took off her shoes
And slid a pair of my sweats on under her dress I then decided that she wouldn't be comfortable in the dress still so I removed the dress all the way and put one of my shirts on her, then I gently layer her down in my bed put her under the cover and checked to make shure she was fine before tending to my own needs. By the time this was done I was about 2:30am. With that I plugged in my phone beside hers and went and passed out in the love seat I had in my bedroom.
HI 👋
lucky for u you found the account of the walking breathing definition of cringe and extra GO YOU.....ANYWAY later losers 🤘

Aiden Dolan {Colby brocks}Where stories live. Discover now