Chapter 11

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29 weeks pregnant

I sit on the couch with Lou. I start to fall asleep on his shoulder when I get jerked away and I look at him confused. he doesn't say anything as he disappears and comes back with a small blanket and pillow. I smile at his sweetness as he sits at the end of the couch and sets the pillow on his lap and pats it inviting me to lay down. I do and he throws the blanket on me and I snuggle up to him and he smiles as I fall asleep. the last few weeks he's been amazing. I mean honestly he's always there and he's a great tutor and helps me a lot on my homework. I'm months ahead of my homework so the next time I have to do any school work until the baby is born. he's been a great help and has helped me through the cramps and the pain the pregnancy is causing. I love him so much it hurts... but I'm having trouble trusting him... I still think he will get up and leave one day. although he's been unbelievably amazing to me....

I am awoken by an extremely excruciating pain in my lower stomach. I sit up and groan really loud. "you okay baby?" he says alarmed. I nod "yea jus a craaaa-mm--" "ahhhh" my mom tushes in and sees me bent over in pain. "oh baby. I'm taking you to the hospital right now." "mum I'm fine. I promiii--"  Lou rushes and gets my slippers and a hoodie And grabs me by both arms helping me up. "no arguments let's go." after the third painful cramp I simply let them direct me. Lou looks extremely worried as he stares at me alarmed. my mother drives like a maniac as I see she is trying to stay calm. when we arrive the nurses and doctors help me into a wheelchair and wheel me into a gurney. they do am ultrasound and determine it was Braxton hicks contractions in other words I'm not in labor. which is good because I'd rather carry her to term. i smile as Lou comes in and kisses my forehead and my mother comes in and holds my hand. the doctor discharges us and Lou doesn't let go of my hand the whole time even when we finally make it home he held my hand the whole time we made our way to bed he held my hand all the way to bed and he never let go as we start to fall asleep he whispers in my ear  "you scared me today. it scared me to see you in pain. I love you so much. I don't want to lose you." I smile "I love you too Lou." he holds me tighter and we falll asleep like that holding hands and cuddling. 

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