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I thought that was just the beginning of
a new relationship with her where she'd really tell me stuff. But maybe it was never really like that again. Maybe that was it.

In March of 1999, I'll start to feel tired and confused.When I finally go to the doctor, he will say that the cancer in my lungs had already traveled to my breast and brain. I'll try to teach Jamie what to do with my stocks but my instructions will be impossible to understand.

Abbie will take me to PlannedParenthood and I will go on the pill. I will go to NYU and lose touch with Dorothea.
and I will stop talking to my mom. I will stop talking to Jamie and I won't go to his wedding. I will fall in love with Nicholas.We will move to Paris and choose not to have children.

I'll stay in Santa Barbara. In just two years I will marry Dave. A month after I get married Carlotta will die. A week later Max will die too. I will work out of my garage.and show in local galleries. Against my doctor's advice, I will get pregnant by the time I'm 34 I'll have two boys.

I'll live with Dorothea for another year and then I'll open a pottery store In Sedona, Arizona. I will marry Laurie a singer-songwriter. We'll get divorced in a year. Then I'll meet Sandy and continue to do my pottery.

I will keep in touch with Jamie. My dad will get married to Judith and they will divorce when he learns she's been cheating on him. He will resort to drinking and drugs and die a year after his divorce, on my birthday. I will keep and touch with Jamie and we will get married and have a son. We will love each other forever.

My mom will meet Jim in 1983, they'll stay a couple until she dies. On her birthday each year, he will buy her a trip on a biplane. Years after she's gone I'll finally get married to Wendy after being in love with her since I was 15. We will have a son and I'll try to explain to him what his grandmother was like.
But it will be impossible.

Mystery of Love; j.fieldsWhere stories live. Discover now