An Explanation

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"Here geth, home sweet home. Now get outa' here you dumb robot, that's the last time I'm driving you any where."

"We are sorry if we caused confusion to you, Creator - Heshal'Jerq. We will use less...'big worded' vocabulary in our next encounter." He quoted the cab-driver.

"Just get out of my sight, damn robot."

The driver quickly sped away, leaving the geth alone. He stood before a small hovel, with vast hills of farmland behind it. But as impressive as the land was, only dead crops bared from it's soil. A small male quarian came from the home to greet his once missing geth. "Oh! My pet has returned to us! Geai, darling! Come outside! Our geth has come home!" Another small quarian, only female this time, rushed out of the home and smiled gently at her beloved geth. "Welcome home. We have guests over tonight, so will you be a dear and cook the family and our 2 other guests some ferruta soup tonight?" The geth nodded at Geai, and headed into the abode. "Darling, I think we should ask our geth where it was... I mean... it came in a cab! What kind of geth takes a cab ANYWHERE!?"

"Calm down my husband. I'm sure he will have a good explanation."

"I don't know... are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

With that Geai kissed him on the cheek, and followed the geth inside. Their home was just as tiny as ever. The kitchen and living room were connected. The bathroom and shared bedroom were conjoined as well. Miss Zannu kept it clean and nice looking though, with the help of her two daughters, Kelsai and Zefri. Zar was a good father and role model for their only son, Vebsic. Zar's family has hit a rough patch in their lives though. The crop kept dieing, there had been no rain to help either. The family could only afford 3 agricultural units to help Zar on the farm. The family treated them like normal people, like part of the family. They were the watchful guardians of the farm and the household. Zar's family would not exist if it wasn't for these geth to be able to help them. "Your food is ready, Creator Zar'Fannu." said our very special geth. "Thank you Number 1. Number 2, would you mind helping your brother set out the food?"

"We will make it so, Creator."

The family marked their geth with numbers. Number 1 is the most loved out of all three though. However their owners would never admit it aloud.

"So kids, these are mommy and daddy's friends Hailev and Weras'Hojai." said Geai.

"Hello dear ones! Oh Geai! They are the spitting image of Zar!"

2 hours passed quickly, the guests left, the children were asleep, Number 2 and 3 were in sleep mode as well. Now was the time to speak to Number 1. "Number 1?"

"Yes, Creator - Zar? How may we assist?"

"My wife and I have a few inquiries we would like to discuss with you."


"Where did you go?" Zar asked frantically.

"Number 1, you had us worried sick. You were gone for two days straight. You didn't contact us or anything. Please explain to us what happened to you."

The geth's flaps around it's head light moved and twitched, then he replied slowly,

"...No data available."

"What!?" The two quarians chimed together.

"Our memory core only holds us... transferring out of the cab craft. Their is no data recorded before this event."

"How is that possible?"

"We... are not sure."

He lied. It was all a lie. The geth recorded everything.

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