Chapter 2: Earning back trust...

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Dark POV:

I came home late after Wilford and I's argument. God, I hate when we fight. I am so in love with him. The L word has never been brought up between us, I mean we both know we love each other but I guess we've just always shown love in a different way. I walked upstairs and saw Wilford laying in bed. I glanced at the bedside table and a glass was scattered across the floor in little pieces. I sigh softly and go and grab the broom. Soon enough all the glass was cleaned up. I stepped closer to Wilford. I climbed into bed and laid next to him.

Wilford POV: 
I felt a figure get close to me. I figured it was Dark so I opened my eyes softy as he looked at me. Dark rubbed my cheek softly. "You alright darling?... I saw glass all over the floor." He said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled lightly as I nodded. "I think I may have just bumped into the table when I collapsed onto the bed..." I said as I looked into his eyes.  The next day came as Dark and Wilford were sitting on the couch.  

Wilford looked at Dark as he sighed softly. "Babe... Why don't me...." He said as he sat down his martini glass. Dark looked at him as he sighed. "I do love you Will..." He said as he rubbed my thigh. "Oh really, cause you never say it... And I don't say it because I just always thought that you didn't love me. I mean we haven't said it to each other since we've been together. Dark, it's been 2 damn years. And still nothing. I've waited for the day that you'd say those simple but special three words but I guess that it doesn't mean that much to you..." I sighed as I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I began to look for more heavier alcohol. In the top cabinet was some Hennessy. I grabbed it and sat it on the counter. Dark walked into the kitchen and he looked at me. "Look... Dark if your about to attempt to cheer me up... don't even bother... I can do that." I said as I chugged some of the strong alcohol. I pulled the bottle away from my lips as I sighed slamming the bottle onto the counter. I'm surprised it didn't break cause damn I slammed that bottle. "Baby please... Let me prove it to you... " Dark said as he stepped closer.  "Dark... Just fuck off for once..." I said as I grabbed the bottle and walked towards the front door. I opened it and then I slammed the door. I swayed a bit as I sat down in a chair and took another swig of the Hennessy. I teared up softly as I looked down at the bottle. Dark immediately opened the door a few minutes later. "God fucking damn it Dark..." Dark walked over to me and sat down in the chair next to me. I looked at him as he sighed. "Baby... Let's go out... let me prove my love to you." He said in a soft firm tone. I sighed and put the cap on the bottle.
"Fine but you better make it worth it...~" He as his words slurred. You could tell the younger man was a bit tipsy. 

Dark POV:

Wilford and Dark soon left the house. Wilford got into the car as he chuckled softly. Dark soon got into the car. "D-Dark... I forgot m-my Martini...~" He said as his words slurred more. I chuckled as I looked at Wilford. "Oh darling, you can get another drink when we get to the restaurant." I began to drive out of our driveway. Wilford laid back as he looked out the window. I can't lie, It's pretty hot when Wilford gets all drunk and flirty. There have been a few times where I purposely got him drunk so we could get it on. I chuckled as I drove. We soon arrived at the restaurant. I helped Wilford out of the car. Our fingers intertwined as he hummed softly.

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