Chapter 2: "Perhaps I'll just kill you."

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Sayter had thrown me against that wretched table.

I laughed, thinking of the bizarre situation. I was supposed to kill him, now look at me. Pathetic.

He dragged me by the neck down a corridor and into a room before collapsing comfortably into a chair. He pulled a chain around my neck, forcing me to a cold floor and looking down at me, "I'll give you a choice. I can slowly, slowly torture you while your screams fill the bar above us. Or, I can skin you- oh perhaps I'll keep you as a pet, speaking of.."
He trailed off, chewing his nails for a moment, strongly considering. Dark eyes dragged to me, there was nothing human in them. My lips were parted slightly, and my breath shivered looking up to him.

"Maybe," he said. "Maybe I'll have pity on you and your pathetic attempt to claim me. Maybe, I'll just spank you, and figure out a more fitting punishment later. It would be continuous until I was satisfied, of course, but it would be a mercy considering what I would rather do."

What a fucking liar. I could see it, he would rather spank me for his own pleasure than anything, he just wanted me to say it. I wouldn't be his pet, because I don't submit to men, or women. Yes, dominant sex turns me on but we're all different in a bedroom. Those men need to be killed by me, Sayter needed to be killed by me.

I didn't answer him.

"Darling," he purred. "Does something so precious have a name?"

The chain whipped as I snapped up, launching my head hard in the air. "I AM NOT A TOY TO TAUGHT AND THROW AROUND, ASSHOLE."

He smiled from above, amused. "Come on now, what happened to her sense of humor? Is you're desperate attempt to hide your exasperation not working for you?"

I bit down hard.

"Perhaps I will just kill you.." he got up, hand on the doorknob. "I'll be right back, as much as I'd love to peel every inch of you with my hands alone, I find that certain tools are better at it than me." A bluff I'm sure, but even if that was the case, I hate myself for being petrified of what he would do if I didn't start begging.
"Spank me." I hadn't realized he left the room until he came back in.
"Forgive me, can you repeat yourself a bit louder, darling?"
I breathed, this was more painful and humiliating than any torture, still I had no choice. "Please, just spank me."

"Please, spank me, master." he corrected

This insufferable, cocky bastard.

"Please, spank me, master."

He hm'd, and I felt the vibrations of his heels down to my fucking soul when he slowly walked in front to face me. Sayter said, "Convince me."

Convince him? Oh, I would make him beg to be put out of his misery when I was out of this. I didn't want to speak, and decided it was more a mercy for myself because I was sure if I opened my mouth again, he'd kill me for sure.

So I forced myself to look as desperate as I could when I rasped, "Please, sir."

Sayter looked far from satisfied, almost disappointed. He blew out a breath.
"Now, perhaps I'll start with those little, sinful hands. How many men have you-" he waved a hand aside himself. "Nevermind. Nevermind, I'm strongly leaning on cutting them off anyway, but how will you grab at me and plead.."

He watched me as I cringed, finally getting to see a satisfied look on his face. It felt weird, being afraid of torture. Felt selfish, why should I be scared of dying if I wasn't afraid of living? Thinking of the pain was enough. But, this is a bad night, not a bad life. So I begged.
"No, master please, discipline me. Please." I implored on painfully, hoping he would just give in, "I want you to punish me. I want to be good for you, sir. Please."

Finally he knelt down, his hand trailed the back of my neck, playing with the velvet hair that strung there. I begged again, "Please." And he smirked, more to himself than to me. An old rage built in my chest, my pride means nothing to him, I reminded myself, but I could use his pride against him.

"I can tell you don't get on your knees to beg for men often, or am I the first to force you to ask for a deserved punishment?" That hand twisted, thumb trailing my jaw, trailing my lips, he wanted to find me there, I knew. Men are all the same, but Sayter was something more than flesh and bone.

I would consider that when I peel his skin back inch by inch.

"You're the first, master." I dragged on, and Sayter closed his eyes briefly before opening them and unlocking my chains, freeing my neck and arms. I lunged for his throat, but he grabbed me instinctively. Drawing me back, he whispered, "Strip. Now."

I hissed as he twisted my wrist, and when he threw me with a force that could of knocked me down, I obeyed instead. My shoes hit the floor before I tore off my tights and skirt, then unbuttoning and abandoning my shirt. I kept my bra and panties on, I'd first ask him to remove my fingers as he planned than take them off. Sayter stepped towards me, and I heard his breath in this cold room while those dark eyes trailed my body.

"Aren't I just so sexy?" I cooed, his hands traced down my arms, breathing me in. I gasped after he threw me over his shoulder briefly. Sayter pulled me over his lap when he collapsed into a chair.

He whispered, "Don't make a sound."

"Oh, well how do you expect me to beg and cry for your amusement?" I snapped and attempted to dig my nails in the hand he rested in front of me, eye level while I was on his lap. He squeezed the hand tightly before pushing it behind my back.

He slapped my ass hard for the little comment, and I gawked. I've never been struck, or punished before. "I'm sure you'll find an alternative." Sayter stroked my hair, and spanked me again.

He came down on me again, and again.
For such a dark, pale thing he was strong. I tried to relax myself, but it doesn't work when you're a grown women getting spanked by a sadist.

Despite what he told me I made many sounds, mostly small ones from the sting when he spanked me again and again and again.
But by God, I would not let myself moan. When Sayter spanked me I heard his sexy voice in my head, words like darling and punishment ringing on his tongue. I got horny when he spanked me because the thought of being his, doing what he pleased to me, begging him to do it, turned me on.

I had to kill him. I don't even have to look at him when I do it, just a quick slice of the throat.

No, I would do what I planned. I would kill him slowly, dauntingly.

Sayter stopped spanking me after a while, about thirty or so strikes when he was satisfied, and I felt disappointed.

He pulled me up so I sat still on his lap, my breath hitting his chest. "Have we learned our lesson?"

I smiled, chewing on my lip, but I didn't let him see. "Barely, if only my master had stronger hands."

I felt his hand on the edge of my face as he pulled me to look at him. "You talk so carelessly, I wonder how you've made it so far without me getting to you, I'm impressed, and immensely disappointed."

I turned sour, and scoffed. But he said, "You've made a small puddle on the floor, if you haven't seen."

I chuckled, "Oh, sweetie. I don't cry."

Sayter made a small noise that could of been a laugh, "Well, it's not tears I'm afraid."

We stared at each other for a brief second before I turned furious. Hopping off him and yelling incoherent hateful things. He just stared, didnt move, but sure as hell didn't try to hide his amusement.

I had an orgasm.

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