Chapter 16: "Be a good girl."

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I didn't need that worthless book to summon Mercy again. I just commanded my slave to bring him and he did so.

"I would never doubt you, Mistress. Just so you know, this is your last chance."

"Shut up and bring the bastard to me."

My slave slouched, defeated, and closed his eyes. "Remember, Mistress. Don't look away from Masters eyes until he's gone."

I spit, "I know what I'm doing you stupid slut."

"Of course, Mistress." He closed his eyes while he was slumped on his knees and chanted. I looked into the mirror as he did, and waited for the cheeks on my face to hollow, waited for a voice in my head, waited for the gold of Mercys eyes to overcome the green.

The slave stopped, and I didn't see him in the mirror out of the corner of my eye. I breathed, but didn't look away. Soon I couldn't see anything out of the corner of my eye, only darkness. All I could see was my eyes. Still green, still whole.

"My Sweet Slave." A voice purred from behind me. Mercys voice.

A trap I fell into I realized too late as I whipped my head around. Nobody was there, so I looked back to the mirror. Nobody was there either, not even those beautiful, familiar green eyes looking back. The mirror gone with it.


Dammit. Dammit.
I looked away from the mirror. I didn't just let Mercy out, I damned myself. Now, I was lost in an abyss somewhere, or a pit, or a hell.
"Mercy, dammit!" I yelled, "The subject you shoved into Sayter was worthless. Our bargain is far from fulfilled."

A sob sounded from behind me, from around me, from fucking everywhere. I turned and dotted around until I saw it, or them rather.
Mercy, in his true form. Tall and handsome and human looking. He had to be the most handsome man I had ever seen. With golden shining eyes, calm as the dead space around us. Those eyes used to be mine.

His devilish smile revealed some of the teeth, behind them hid a tongue he raked a phantom touch over my clit when I was tied up or being punished. Bastard.

And right next to him was undoubtedly Sayters mind slave. He was a bit paler than Mercy, and far more scraggy.

I didn't care what he looked like specifically, not that I could see in the dark anyway.
"I'm sorry, Mistress. I failed."
His voice was not what I imagined. While he had been using Sayters deep and rough voice, his was far more boyish, and rough. Like a little brother.

"You did, mutt." I spit. The scraggy thing whimpered at Mercys side.

Mercys grin worked in a clockwork smile.
"You are both to be punished."

I barked a laugh. "You betrayed me. We had a bargain."

"A bargain, that if you could not dominate the Crime Lord, you could not have him." He clicked his tongue and turned his chin down to the boy, "Now you're punishment will come first. It's rather impolite to punish a lady in the presence of others."

"Yes, sir." The boys eyelids wrinkled together in an effort to hold back tears. Did they even cry here? I supposed the slave would of found a way, being so squeamish.

So Mercy grabbed a handful of his hair and ripped his head right off. No blood spurred, but dangling from Mercys hand I saw who I had been keeping for so many days. Not a boy, not a man. His skin was fair but pink in the little light that came off of Mercys golden eyes. Pretty, pretty boy with a brutal, brutal Master and Mistress.

"Need you have killed him?" I clicked my tongue, "Who else will I have take possession of the Crime Lord?"

Mercy dropped the head like a child dropping a doll, "Oh, darling. We don't die in this world. He's decapitated, yes, but with nowhere for his soul to go it sits in his body to feel both parts of himself. And he will sit and feel through all of it until I desire to fix him."

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