Chapter Four - Mumbai Part 1

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NOTE: ummmmm so I forgot the specific planets they used for codenames, I remember Benji being Pluto because of the little convo with Brandt, but I'll do the best I can👍

A/N: I'm just gonna give a little list of who's the planets so it'll make it easier.
Benji: Pluto
Brandt: Mercury
Leah: Neptune
Jane: Venus
Ethan: Jupiter
I tuck a piece of my clean hair behind my ear. "For the last time, it's meant to be like that!" Jane says. I roll my eyes. "I'm not used to putting my hair into fancy buns and curls. Heck, I'm not used to a dress being this tight on me, or wearing high heels, or wearing this lipstick!" I yell. "Woah, chill." Jane says with a smile. "We all have our bumps when we try something new." She hands me the red matte lipstick and puts a mirror in front of me. I slide the makeup on my lips and Jane puts down the mirror. "See? It wasn't that bad!" She says with a smile. "So how am I supposed to wear these shoes?" I ask, dangling the navy blue high heels in front of me. "I'll show you." She straps on the heels and she stands me up. "Okay, this isn't that bad. I take and step, but I trip over my flowy dress bottom. Jane catches me. "Don't tear your dress bottom! I really like it so don't do harm to it!" Jane says. I really didn't want to do harm. The dress itself was beautiful. It was navy blue with spaghetti straps and they form an X on the back. It flows down loosely and it goes just down to my toes. "So what am I supposed to be doing?" I ask. "You'll make sure no one is following Brandt, Benji, or me." She says. "So what will I be acting as?" I ask. "You're Ethan's daughter and I'm just his coworker and we aren't dating whatsoever. It's just a little white lie I guess." Jane replies. "Let's go to the car." She says. Her dress was stunning as well. Light blue with one strap coming on her right shoulder. Her dark brown hair is curled and worn down. Her dress was flowy as was mine. I get in the backseat and Jane in the front. "Now we wait for Ethan." Jane says with a sigh. We go silent for about a minute and I speak. "You know, the funny thing is, is that guys are usually the ones waiting to the women to get ready, but it seems like we flip flopped." "I guess so." Jane says. I see the door open and my father get in the drivers seat. He looks back at me and he smiles. "You look amazing, dear. Even better without your glasses." He says with a grin. Yes, I put in contacts but only because the glasses look didn't go well with the fancy dress and makeup and hair. We drove for a few minutes, without saying a word. We pull up to a fountain and Ethan exits the car. Showtime. I think to myself. Ethan opens the door for Jane and helps her out, he does the same to me too. We enter in the party. "I...have arrived." Benji says over the comm, breathless. "We are here too, Pluto." Jane whispers. "What about you Mercury?" Ethan asks. "Arrived. I'm going to the shaft." Brandt says. "You know, why do I have to be Pluto? It's not even a planet anymore," Benji says. "Well I think Uranus is available." Brandt responds. "Ha ha. It's funny because you said anus." Benji says sarcastically. "So should I jump?" Brandt says. "Jump." Ethan says. "And I catch you." Benji says. Ethan, Jane and I keep walking throughout the party. We stop behind a pillar and Jane grabs a glass of champagne. "Get us those codes." Ethan says, looking her sharply in the eyes. Jane nods and downs the drink in one sip. She walks over to the man and then she makes a beeline to the bar. Ethan and I are by the pillar. An awkward silence between us is instated. He suddenly brings me in for a tight hug, his mouth next to my ear. "So how is she?" He whispers. "She misses you. She misses being herself. Like I did." I reply. "Do you have it?" He says. "I never take it off. I can't." I whisper. We release. And his eyes trail down to my collarbone, where my locket is. It has a picture of Ethan, Julia, and I. Obviously before the fake deaths took place. I was a smiling young girl. My father with short hair and a grin from ear to ear. My mother, her pearly teeth showing. I have another picture in there too, of my father and I. I'm sitting on his lap, smiling at the camera and he is looking down at me with gentle eyes. The gentle eyes that has seen to much harm. Too much death. A mind that has gone through too much pain, suffering, a heart that was broken. Broken with leaving his one love, his only daughter. At this moment, at any moment she could die. The last piece of Julia he has left, gone. My thoughts are interrupted by Brandt's voice over the comm. "should I jump?" Ethan's brows furrow (for what seems like the millionth time😂) "Yes. Commit." I hear a rush of air and it all suddenly stops. "Target is gone." Jane says softly. Ethan and I both look over and Jane's eyes avoid ours. I flash her a sympathetic look. "Stay here, just type something on your phone." Ethan says. "I don't have a phone, though. They took it in Russia." I whisper. A man comes up with a tray of phones and hands me one. "Now you do." Ethan says as he walks away from me. "Thank you." I say to the man who gave me the phone. Every so often I glance at the bar to see what Jane and Ethan are doing. I type in my mothers phone number. It's risky, but I need to tell her. Hey mother, it's me. Anna. Or maybe I should say Leah. I'm taking on the role of Leah Hunt again. Dad says hi and I love you and stay safe. Remember my trip to Moscow? The one where I would be taking pictures of the Kremlin? Yeah. Dad was there on a mission. It blew up. I just got a few cuts and bruised ribs, but I'm fine. Dad saved me. We were handcuffed to our hospital beds. We also jumped three stories off of a building but we survived. The IMF is gone. They've initiated Ghost Protocol. That means if any of the members of Dad's team are caught or killed , and that's including me, we will be branded terrorists. But I won't die. I'm not planning on it and neither is Dad.

It's a hard world, mother. Especially juggling everything that's happened since you married dad, birthed me, faked the deaths, and divorced dad. I missed him. Everyday. And now I have the feeling of being alone without you. Mom, I won't die. Dad gave me a pistol and a knife. I can fight. I love you and dad loves you too- I stop typing because when I look over to my dad and Jane at the bar, Ethan is kissing Jane. I almost drop the phone, but I hold it tightly in my left hand. Tears form into my eyes. I purse my lips and speed walk past the bar, stopping by Jane and Ethan. I slam the open iPhone on the table and I look my father straight in his blue-gold eyes. "I was just telling mom how much you love her. I guess I was going to send her a lie." I say with gritted teeth. I speed walk away before Jane or Ethan could react. I walk up the stairs to the balcony overlooking the city. I walk over to one of the rose bushes that is planted in a pot. I pluck one of the velvet, blood red flowers. I spin the delicate plant in my fingers. I walk over to the railing and I lean my forearms against it. I sigh. I just got my father back. Now we have to be lying to each other? I've lived enough lies. Now, I need the truth.

NOTE: Okay so was that a good little twist? When I first saw the movie and I saw Jane kissing Ethan I thought, wait. He was married before and he still loves her. Why would her do that? But we don't know lol, but maybe we do idk. Do you like the new cover btw? I used the app Canva to make it. I also made the Three Doors Down cover with that app too, I highly recommend it! Thanks for all of the reads! -FairlyNewPotterhead

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